The Diary Game, Better Life, July 2nd, 2022 : Say Hello To Our Fav Meals, Boiled Veggies In The Blessed Day

in Steem SEA2 years ago
10% from this post will goes to account @steemseacurator

Say hello to our fav meals, boiled veggies in the blessed day 🥗🥕🥔🥦🧡

Hi my dearest Steemian ☺️.
What's new ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all your du'a in this lovely month. Wish you best of luck, my beloved Steemian 🤍😇

My sleep pretty not good for these days. Yeah, perhaps inasmuch as my runny nose and backache. My head also not feeling a hundred percent.

Now I am trying my best and hard to change my life style, especially concerning my schedule to hit the sack at the night earlier than before.

I powder my nose, washed my hands and face then drank a glass of water. I dried my face with my soft towel. I went to the dining room therefore got breakfast with my elder sister.

My elder sister and I had a little conversation meanwhile enjoy our breakfast this beautiful morning.

This morning my gorgeous sibling cooked our fav meals such as fried anchovies mix green chilies sauce, boiled vegetables and fresh lettuce.

The boiled vegetables consists of potatoes, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, garlics, ginger, leek and cellery. We are a happy bunny of boiled veggies. Xoxo...

Say hi to our breakfast this blessed morning 🥗🥕🥔🥦

Approximately a few minutes later, I got some chats and Whatsapp voice call from one of my beloved sista, Mrs. @sailawana. She told me that she want to came to my house and had a long conversation plus discussion. Well, I said yes to her.

After gave a warm welcome with my stunning sista, Mrs. @sailawana, I gave her some meals, fruits and yakult while had a small talks. Then she asked me to enjoy the ice rujak kutablang near my house. ”Ok, I will take a bath first”, I told her.

No wonder, our conversation and discussion is absolutely concerning Steemit. We do love to share and care about Steemit each others when every single time we meet.

Yep, we also talk about a lot of things such as about health, our daily activities and occupation.

Drank mini yakults with Mrs. @sailawana whilst had a small talks at my house

Several hours later, I back to my house and changed my dress. I wore my sportswear, play some zumba music, then did a little zumba about fifteen minutes in my living room. I assume that I have to move my body lots to maintain my health.

And in others hand, I am in the highest mood to did zumba in the cloudy and windy day.

A few hours later, at 3 pm more, I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit. Yazz, fellas. Every time when I have a spare time, I tried to writing to make some posts in Steemit.

Typing on my laptop to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit

In the evening I got dinner. I drank a glass of water and ate watermelon, too. Thereafter I washed my dishes then put it on the rack plates.

I back to my bedroom, lay down on my bed while playing my cellular phone and suddenly I fell asleep.

A few minutes later I woke up. I got up then continue to make my diary game for Steem SEA today. Afterwards I took a rest.

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @herimukti @heriadi @firyfaiz @mirzamg and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,


 2 years ago 

Makasih yakult and buahan segar nya ya, makasih juga udah nemenin hari ini 🤭

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama ya Kak 🥰💝

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