The Diary Game, Better Life, December 22nd, 2021 : Speaking Test a.k.a. Final Exam With Our Examiner, Alhamdulillah Done 🧡

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

Speaking test a.k.a. final exam with our examiner. Alhamdulillah everything is running smoothly 🧡

Bonsoir my dearest Steemian ☺️
How was your day ? Hope everything is under the control. Do not forget to keep your health and heart in this windy & rainy season. Hope you have a blessed days 🤍😇

"Alhamdulillah, thank you a billion to give me a chance again & again to continue my life till today, Yaa Hayyun", I made a little du'a after open my eyes from my slept. I woke up this morning with a great feeling.

I took my cellular phone then open some lesson concerning English in my training from several weeks ago till yesterday. Yazz, today our final exam about "Speaking Test".

After study about ten minutes, I took my purple towel then taken a bath. A few minutes later I dried my body then get dressed.

Today I wore my mom's dress. She gave me less than a year ago. I do love this muslimah dress. My mom told me when I am teaching my student, this dress will pretty on my body & elegant as a teacher when I wear it. Sorry rather tacky. Hoho...

Lemme tell the truth, I wore my mom's dress not because of today is "Mother's Day". I have to say sorry in advance to everyone 🙏🏻, I didn't care about Mother's Day or others day. For me is no need to celebrate about Mother's Day by make some status or post some pics about our mother only in the special day. I don't wanna be like everyone, "Generasi Latah". When something happens, booming & trending, they in hurry & suddenly an expert on something & everything without know the real meaning. In my point of view, action is the most crucial things than °talk (°social media). In others word, "Talk less, do more !". When you love your mom then just show by your action & affection. Not by make some status on social media yet you still fight & rude with them"
Hope you get the point, fellows 🤍 !

After get dressed, I rushed to permit and shake hands to my lovely sister. I warm up my motorcycle whilst post some photos on #stockphotos on Steemit. Ten minutes later after warm up my motorcycle and post some photos on stockphotos, I road my motorcycle.

Say hi to a part of my soul, Valentino Rossi. 60-80 km/hr 🏍️ during on the road. It's pretty quiet road. No matter what. One of my big dream, I wanna be a racer, indeed. Lol (I am serious).

Our trainer trying to explain about "Business Letters", such as enquiry letters, order letters and so forth. We study about the format and how the way to read business letters when we want to work in some of companies.

In the business letters we have to focus on letterhead, place & date, address, salutations, body of letters, complimentary close, signatures, position. And there are British and American style.

Alhamdulillah I got a lot of lores in our last topic today. Arigatto gozaimashita, Sensei.

Our last topic in the institute of training

Break time

After break time, our trainer asked us to prepare ourself to exams. She asked us who is ready for it (exams) just come to exam room couple by couple. I meant, only two people come to the exam room with an examiner a.k.a. our lovely trainer.

After enjoy our meals in the break time and study a few minutes, I asked my friend to came first to the room. Alhamdulillah she want to did it. We are a first candidates who did examination of "Speaking Test" with our examiner.

Alhamdulillah everything is running smoothly. I am over the moon and had a good mood after did the exams.

Speaking test, "Introduction ourself on the job interview" with our examiner

Alhamdulillah, our speaking test a.k.a. final exam is done 🧡

Finish did exam, I permit then went to my lovely student's house. I had a schedule to teach my lovely students in English private course. They are Kak Fida and Kak Ifat. They are a sibling.

Teaching my lovely student, Kak Fida in English private course

Kak Ifat, my second student trying to memorize number from thirty until sixty in English private course

Syukron for the meals, Bunda Fida & Ifat

Approximately at 4 pm after teach my students in English private course I back to my house. I changed my dress, wash my hands and legs with the soap then hit the pillow. I couldn't hold my sleepiness any longer. I slept a wink. I want to take a nap, "Zzzzzzzzzzz" 😪.

Several hours later I woke up. I took my cellular phone then started typing to make my diary game for Steem SEA, Steemit. After had a sleep well, I am in the highest mood for writing on Steemit. Alhamdulillah an hour later done.

Ba'da Isya I permit and shake hands to my sister to went outside to teach my sholehah students in English private course near by our house.

Our topic today is about some words or sentences when we want to "Presentation, Discussion, Debate & Speech".

Like I used to do, after open our class by recited Basmalah together, I asked my students to telling story about her daily activities from morning until evening before we started to our main topic.

All the praise only for Yaa Rahim, she did it well. She has a good progress day by day. I do love her. Syukron katsiran, my pretty student 💝. Miss proud of you.

My sholehah students tried telling story about her daily activities in English

My sholehah plus brilliant students, Kak Dhifa, Fathin & their family with their cups & medals in some of competition. Proud of y'all, sweet hearts

Wefie ba'da study with my fav ladies 😚🥰

Alhamdulillah more two hours later, I finished teach my student in English private course. However they prohibit to back as soon as possible. My students asked me to had a small talks while took some wefies plus videos to captured our lovely moments. Ok, I just followed my sholehah ladies.

I switch off my package data on my mobile phone, make a little du'a and recited TriQul thereafter hit the pillow.

Oyasuminasai fellows 🤍😇

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @herimukti @heriadi @ernaerningsih @firyfaiz @mirzamg and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,


 3 years ago 

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