The Diary Game, Better Life, August 10th, 2021 : A Poetry, Emiliana Torrini & A Warm Green Tea 📝🍵

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

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A poetry, Emiliana Torrini & a warm green tea 📝🍵

Hi my beloved Steemian. What's cooking ? May Yaa Rahim always protect you anywhere you go. Don't forget to keep smilling & keep struggle ! 🤍😇

I am quite lazy-bones today. Just spent my time on the bed from morning until noon. One of the reason is because of the air conditioner in the bedroom and the weather extremely cold. Cloudy outside.

Open the curtain and window afterwards take a deep breath. I looked at view morning from my window. It was a beautiful morning even if cloudy

Enjoy the view morning from my window

I switch on my package data on my cellular phone then read some articles on social media. Especially about Steemit. I read a lot of articles on Steemit in that time. Mostly the post is about 1st anniversary of Steem SEA on August 8th, 2021.

Happy 1st anniversary, Steem SEA🎂. May this year be merely the first of a lot of great ones to come 🎉🎊🎈 All the best wishes for Steem SEA Community. Keep it up a good works Bang @anroja and team !

Charge my cellular phone in the bedroom, went to the bathroom, drink a glass of water then got lunch. Before lunch, I cooked omelette for myself. I rather dislike meat, indeed. My sister cooker Beef Curry and Perkedel. Perkedel is one of my favorite meals. Usually Acehnese make Perkedel from potatoes. They put a little cellery, shallots, black pepper and salt also into the Perkedel.

Beef Curry, Omelette & Perkedel. Say hi to my lunch

Finish got lunch, I cooked the rice. Therefore clean the dine table and kitchen.

Open the door then went to the backyard to dried my clothes. I also help my sister to cooked some foods in the kitchen.

I back to my bedroom then turn on the fan. My body full of bullets sweat. I plug the charger off from my cellular phone then started to make my diary game for Steem SEA, Steemit.

Alhamdulillah more an hour, my diary game finished. I am in hurry went to the bathroom. I have to prepared myself to teach my student, Bang Fiqri in English private class.

"Jebbbbbaaarrrrrr... Jebbbbbuuurrrrrr... Jebbbbbaaarrrrrr... Jebbbbbuuurrrrrr...", Sounds of water fallen from the dipper in the bathroom. Took my blue towel then dried my body. Back to my bedroom, get dressed then Pray Ashar. Alhamdulillah, I can pray now.

Wore my mocca hijab, put a litte make up on my face then lock the door.

"Hi Ms. Asiah. How are you today ?", Bang Fiqri, my student greeting me while open the door. He gave a warm smile for me in the hot afternoon. He such a warm-hearted one.

Bang Fiqri, my student is ex student in Islamic boarding school in Misbahul Ulum, Nisam, North Aceh when he was junior high school and senior high school (yet just several years). He has a great manners and walking on air to have a long conversation with me (even we still study. Lol). However at the sometimes he looks like a coy boy. Ahaha.

Like I used to do, I tried to build the communication about his daily activities. Of course, I asked Bang Fiqri, my student to speak English. I test some vocabs also.

Today we have a free topic. Due to the fact that Bang Fiqri don't know about some vocabs and phrases when he want to say something when he trying to telling story about her daily activities

Bang Fiqri focus on writing whilst memorize some vocabs

My student, Bang Fiqri & I in English private class

After finished teach my student, we took some pictures together. Thereafter when I want to get permit to my student, Bang Fiqri asked me to had a chit-chat before back. Ahaha. He on cloud nine had a partner to talk inasmuch as he just stay alone at his home. At the sometimes there are his cousin and uncle also in that house.

When I want to back, Bang Fiqri want to take me home when he knows that I will be back by the rickshaw. I said thanks to him. I can get myself back home.

I took a walk about one and half kilometers to Masjid Baiturrahman. Owing to the fact that almost Maghrib. I just want to Pray Maghrib in Masjid today.

Ich on ma way

Finished Pray Maghrib in Masjid Baiturrahman, I just stay in the place. There is a speech from one of Ustadz. The topic is about "Islamic New Year 1 Muharram"

Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram. Hopefully this year we can further strengthen our Islam and getting closer to Allah. Aamiin Yaa Robbal 'Aalamiin

Listen some speech about Islamic New Year 1 Muharram from Ustadz in Masjid Baiturrahman

After listen some speech about Islamic New Year and fasting also, there is Adzan Isya. We continue to Pray Isya together a.k.a. jama'ah. Istighfar then make a little du'a (pray). I drink a cup of water from an old woman in Masjid. She gave the water also to all of jama'ah women in Masjid

I hang the hijab prayer into the transparent cupboard. Then went to the wudhu' area first to fix my hijab

Finished Isya, I went to one of the coffee shop near by Masjid. Introvert calls me from a part of my soul. I am keen on to be alone. I need a quiet place and the corner place in the darkness.

Well, I knew where is my favorite spot. That's always waiting for me there. They knew my smell perhaps. I frequently sit there alone.

In that time I am quite hungry. I order fried rice and a warm green tea plus hot water. Switch on the wifi, put an earphone on my ear, open Youtube then listening my cup of tea song, The Sound Of Silence by Emilliana Torrini and Wuauquikuna, Panflutes. Some of song is could be my mood booster to finish my job and daily activities.

I started to make my next diary game.

Enjoy my dinner in the corner & quiet place

An unique pict on the wall as my mood booster

Alhamdulillah approximately an hour more, my next diary game finished. I continued to make my poetry in @steem.literacy with the title Monologue Of An Intro...t

After paid to the waitress, I back to my house by the rickshaw. What a cold nite. I gave more money to The Mr. Rickshaw. He is an old man.

Alhamdulillah I arrived safely in my house. Changed the dress, wash my face, legs and hands then dried it. Well, no wonder, I hit the hay.

Have a blessed day, fellows 🤍😇

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @heriadi @ernaerningsih and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,



KK juga mau diajarkan bahasa Inggris, ada buka les untuk orang tua, cut adek @Asiahaiss

 3 years ago 

Ahaha, geut Cutkak @marianimuhain 😂
Buka untuk segala usia, Kak. Dari anak TK sampai orang tua
Dulu murid adek ada yang umur 40 sampai 50an tahunan ke atas Kak waktu ngajar komputer & Bahasa Inggris, ahaha

 3 years ago 

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Selalu ikuti @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terbaru.


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