The Diary Game, Better Life, April 20th, 2021 : A Real Friend Is Not A Friend. Yet A Family In The End

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

Ohaiyo my beloved Steemian. All the praise only for The Sublime Who's still give us breath, health & a long life to face Ramadhan Kareem. 😇

No matter who you are. You have to run !!!

07.48 am
My alarm ringing. I slept at 3 am last time after post my diare game.

I took my towel then took a bath. Today is my last day activities in the Program Ramadhan in my school.

08.33 am
Alhamdulillah arrived in the school by the rickshaw. However I am late 3 minutes.

09.00 am
Grade 1, grade 2 & all of the teachers gathered in my classroom inasmuch as one of the biggest classroom.

We watching the cartoon movie together on youtube (TV) about A Story of Prophet Nuh as.

This is one of the golden moment they waiting for 💜🥰

09.33 pm
After watched the cartoon movie, Ms. @purpleagashi tried to give some questions to our lovely pupils. They so excited to gave comments & response about the cartoon movie, “A Story of Prophet Nuh as.

09.42 am
They back to their own classroom. Me & my genk, cutest ladies continued watch the cartoon movie. I choosed some of story about A Story Of Qarun & A Story Of Prophet Yunus as.

My habits, I asked them to telling story 1 by 1 in front of the classroom.

10.27 am
I asked them to muraja'ah (recited + memorize) Surah in their own chair about 10 minutes. Then one by one came to my table to deposit memorization of their own Surah.

11.05 am
All of them go to the wudhu (ablution) area to Pray Dhuha together in the school hall. While they pray, I tried to fulfill the daily form about the progress & response about our study in Program Ramadhan, 2021 for today.

11.13 am
Continue to study about shuhuf method. Like we used to do, recited huruf Iqra' together on a paper. Alhamdulillah today I have 6 cutest ladies in my classroom, there are Kak Najwa, Inaya, Araina, Dek Pha, Athifa & Shajia.

Today is the first time for Shajia came to the school. She is getting sick before. She is one of the furthest pupils in the school, from Simpang Ulim, North Aceh. Yet she has high spirit to went to the school. I extremely appreciated her spirit.

Alhamdulillah even this is the first time Kak Shajia came to school yet she has a great response when I taught about shuhuf method. Proud of you, Kak Shajia 

11.57 am
After study shuhuf method, I did a little exercises to my little angels. I meant a little movement / aerobic. Hehe. I said to them even we are fasting we still have to do some movement so our body will be have a good health.

I gave a little an English dance games yet there are sports also. Hihihi. The name of the games are ”Hello Dance” & “Peel Banana Dance”. They a happy bunny about these games. Lol 😂

Actually approximately 3x in a week I frequently gave some games for English fun learning to do them when we were in the normal school situation. So that’s why they had strong memorize about how the way to make a fun style of these games .

Play Hello Dance Game with my lovely pupils after study. Let's do some movement, my cutest ladies 💃😚

Then they asked to sing a song plus made a style about the song ”Guruku Tersayang” like what I taught several months ago in the class. In the end of the song they hug me tightly whils said “We do love you, Ms. Asiah. Don’t change our genk, please”, Some of them said with their cutie face.

It’s made me melting, indeed.

12.33 pm
There are sounds of adzan near by our school. All of the pupils from grade 1 & grade 2 in hurry took wudhu (ablution) then Pray Dzuhur. Sholawatan to our Prophet Muhammad SAW then pray to Allah SWT together.

Be grateful that Yaa Hayyun that He still give a chance & long life to all of us to face Ramadhan Kareem this year.

12.46 pm
Alhamdulillah finished pray I gave they free time to do whatever they want to do. Some of them walking on air about drawing. However I frequently made an appointment to them first that they have to keep silent & do not make a noise. They really obey my rule.

Aishiteru my little angels. 💖

01.20 pm
After all of our lovely pupils back to their house, me, Ms. @purpleagashi, Ms. @dara96 & Ms. @rahmatarmizi gathered in another classroom.

Today I tried to taught & guide Ms. @rahmatarmizi joint in Steemit. She asked me a lot about Steemit approximately for a month ago when she listen me & my besties talks about Steemit. Yet today she can’t hold herself any longer joint in Steemit.

Taught & guide my lovely friend, Ms. @rahmatarmizi joint in Steemit

Then I tried to share all of my knowledge & capabilities about Steemit to all of them. They be in a transport of delight about it.

Alhamdulillah everything is running well today.

04.30 pm
I back to my house from the school in the noon after Adzan Ashar. Ms. @purpleagashi drove me home.

Changed my dress then got late lunch. I am starving. It looks like someone in shaum (fasting). Ahaha
I ate brown rice plus fried chicken & fresh yellow watermelon.

04.40 pm
I wash my laundry. Not too much for today. Just a little. Exhausted, fellows. Hehe

06.24 pm
My bestie, Ms. Tila picked me up by her motorcycle. We had an appointment break a fast together in Platinum Coffee even if I can’t fasting inasmuch as getting periode. Almost more 2 weeks we didn’t meet each others. Generally in a week we hang out together for sharing & caring each others. At the sometimes she followed me when I am jogging just alone in the reservoir.

She is one of my bestmate with a prettiest face & heart, indeed.

06.30 pm
Alhamdulillah arrived at Platinum Coffee. We choosed the place owing to the fact that not so crowded to break a fast there.

We have a long conversation there. Include about Steemit also.

06.38 pm
The sound of bedug echoed around The Platinum Coffee. ”Time to break your fast, buddy”, I said to Ms. Tila.

Break a fast with my bestmate, Ms. Tila

Waiting for bedug

Our iftar menu for today are Tekwan & Hot Tea, Ms. Tila & me, Nasi Bakar Baby Cumi Sambal Mercon with Tempe plus Tofu & Hot Green Tea.

07.35 pm
Inasmuch as I can’t pray, then I tried to credit my writing about my diary game little by little.
Ms. Tila want joint in Steemit & I tried to help & guide her. Unfortunately due to the fact that the signal not good then can’t joint anymore. She must joint tomorrow. InsyaaAllah.

09.45 pm
Cappucino Cincau & Hot Tea say hello again to our table. These are the second menu we order for tonight in The Platinum Coffee.

Part 2 with Ms. Tila 😅

She is not my friend. She is my family 💝

We took some pics when the atmosphere still quiet there. Hehe. Continued talk about our daily activities & planning for tomorrow to meet up again after I teach my private student in the morning.

Took a chance to catwalk whilst still quite 🙈🙈🐥

We made some jokes also. I am keen on friends who are really friends especially someone who is humorous & real one. Ahaha 😅

I talk to her whilst typing my diary game on my laptop.

11.13 pm
We didn’t realized that’s too late to back home while we were chatting. We in hurry to call the waiters & paid our drinks then leave the place.

11.16 pm
Changed my dress, wash my face & brush my teeth. Then I chat Ms. Tila by whatsapp that she has arrived or not in her house. ”Alhamdulillah, Kak”, She replied the chat.

Thanks a bunch for made my days, sweety.

11.51 pm
Switch on my laptop then continued again to make my diary game for my love, Steem SEA.

Oyasuminasai my beloved Steemian 💙

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @ernaerningsih and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,

About Me

 3 years ago 


Postingan anda telah mendapat kurasi secara manual dari akun komunitas @steemseacurator.
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 3 years ago (edited)

You look like a model in the last pic sis @asiahaiss🤣🥰 ..

 3 years ago 

Ahaha, u r really something, sweety 😚

Model majalah sobek ya dek 😅

Wahh.. senang banget tadi malam kakak..
Kapan-kapan kita buka bersama lagi yaaa🥰

 3 years ago 

Jeut adoe meutuah 🥰
InsyaaAllah next time we will set the time

Happy sahur, ma pretty lady 💜

 3 years ago 

Postingan ini telah dihargai oleh akun kurasi @steemcurator08 dengan dukungan dari Proyek Kurasi Komunitas Steem.

Selalu ikuti @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terbaru.

Salam @ernaerningsih.

 3 years ago 

Thank you Mr. @uncleboy 😀

You're welcome dedek @asiahaiss

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