The Diary Game : Barakallahu Fii Umrik Our Warm-hearted ZIN (February 12th, 2023)

in Steem SEAlast year


Barakallahu fii umrik our warm-hearted ZIN. May Yaa Rahim blessed your life

(Image source by : members in training sport centre)

Hi my beloved Steemian ☺️.
How' life ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all your du'a in this lovely year. Wish you best of luck, my dearest Steemian 🤍😇

I woke up rather earlier this Sunday morning. Yeah, due to the fact that I got a special invitation from one of my stunning ZIN joined in her birthday party in the training sport centre West Batuphat after aero boxing & zumba dance.

After taken a bath, I get dressed. Sure, I wore my sportswear. Approximately thirty minutes later, I shake hands and got permit to my sibling then, ”Ngenggggggg” 🛵

I rode my motorcycle with the highest speed on that sunny day morning, 80 kilometers per hours while recited TriQul during on the way. Alhamdulillah the vehicles not so crowded in that Sunday morning.

I am quite shock owing to the fact that a bunch of members there. Extremely crowded and almost full in that room training sport centre. About forty more gorgeous women follow aero boxing and zumba dance.

However we were a happy bunny to did some sports on Sunday morning. No doubt, our sportswear was wet after did aero boxing and zumba dance in training sport centre West Batuphat.

An hour later suddenly there is a birthday song. Yeah, we celebrate our ZIN’s birthday at that time. After sing a birthday song & made a little du’a for our lovely ZIN, we enjoy some Tekwan made by my ZIN who’s birthday.

We had a small talks also whilst enjoy our meals on the carpet with some members in the corner.

”Barakallahu fii umrik my warm-hearted ZIN. May Yaa Rahim blessed your life, always give you a good health & rizq, more sholehah, more powerful in zumba dance, sweetheart”


Barakallahu fii umrik our kind-hearted ZIN. May Yaa Rahim blessed your life

(Image source by : members in training sport centre)

Syukron for the special invitation in your birthday party, my stunning ZIN


Enjoying Nasi Padang for my lunch in the cloudy & windy day

In the afternoon after taken a bath, I bought Nasi Padang for my lunch. Done enjoy my lunch, Nasi Padang, I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit. Alhamdulillah I made three posts in an hour on Sunday noon in the windy and cloudy day. The weather extremely cold at that time.

In the evening when I was playing my mobile phone while lay down on my bed, I fell asleep. Yeah, I slept a wink, buddies...

Approximately less than thirty minutes later my alarm on my cellphone ringing to woke me up.

Yazz, I had a schedule to teach my lovely student, Kak Rara in my English private course. I taken a bath for the third times.


Explaining about ”Time Signal” to my cutie pie student, Kak Rara in my English private course

Today I gave her concerning ”Time Signal” and some verbs 1 and verbs 2 in my English private course. Sure, I asked her to make some sentences related with her daily activities in her school or house or when she was hanging out with her friends. Alhamdulillah she did it well. Proud of you, sweetheart. Kuddos my cutie pie lady. Let's break a leg, sweety !

Done enjoy my dine, Satai Padang with my lovely cousin, thirty minutes later I back to my house and changed my dress.

I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit. I am in the highest mood for writing as a logophile.

Several hours later, I clean my face, switch on our air conditioner in our bedroom, wore my socks, recited TriQul, made a little du’a and hit the hay.

Happy weekend, fellas...

Warm regards,




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