Family Contest || My Family Is My Bestie, No Matter What ! 💖🥰🤗

in Steem SEA2 years ago (edited)
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When your family is your bestie 💖🥰🤗

Hi my dearest Steemian ☺️.
How's life ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all your du'a in this lovely month, May 2022 🕌🌛. Happy Eid Day, my brothers & sisters 🤍🌜😇

Family... It's quite sensitive if we talk about this one. Yazz, due to the fact that family is everything.

When we birth on this earth, the first education that we get is sure, from our family. About how the way to talk, how the way to response something, how the way to make interaction and communication, how the way to learn something, attitude, personality and so forth.

When we get a bunch of matters in our life, concerning our occupation, love, friends, environment and everything, one of the great way that we try to find the win win solutions is our family.

Family is home. When no one can accept you when you have a biggest problem in your life, family will be accepting whoever & whatever you are.

Mommy, her daughters, granddaughter & grandson 🥰💖🤗

Daddy & his ladies 💝😚🤗

Family never think too much about who you are today and what are you doing today. They always try to open their big hands to make you comfortable in this universe. No matter who you are.

One of our best friends in our life is our family. We can talk and share everything to them as our bestmates. They frequently try to listen us with all their heart even if perhaps they have a big problem also at that time.

One of my best support system, family 💝

Qtime with ma lovely family at Batee Iliek

The one who always give a biggest support to us when we want to start or do something in our life. They try to give their best to support us as far as they can. I called it, "Family is the best support system in our life"

Everytime you need help, they try too hard help you immediately.

Yazz, I had an unforgettable moments in my life. When I was a child, almost every single week on Sunday, I and my family visited one of the most popular tourism place, Ujong Blang, Lhokseumawe City.

At that time we play the sand on the shore, built some palace from the sand and the water from the sea. We rolled on the sand and play with the waves. We were over the moon when the big waves crash our body then we swam together on the sea, at Ujong Blang, Lhokseumawe City.

Another unforgettable memories in my life is once in a year, we always back to our villages, Medan & Pijay. We visited our grandma & grandpa's house.

When I was a child, I and my family strolling around in some of mall in Medan City. We play some of games in fun land in some of mall in Medan City such as roller coaster, swan on the water and so on.

I had a lovely moments also when I visited my mom's village in Pijay. At that time before Tsunami, my mom's village was a beautiful village. A lot of coconut trees and traditional house there. A white and black sand, a lovely shore, a beautiful sea and so forth.

There is a hammock also which is tighted in the coconut trees. There is a tennis table also. When I have a leisure time, after help my mom in our coffee shop, I lay down on hammock and play it. And sometimes I play tennis table also with my family.

I do love those beautiful moments with my family. My family is my bestie 💖🥰🤗. No matter what !

Dinner with my lovely siblings & cousins at Pizza House Lhokseumawe

Dinner with my lovely family at Pizza House, Lhokseumawe 🍕

Gathering with my lovely family to enjoy meatballs at Meurdu, Pijay 🍜

Just finished dinner with my lovely family at Graha Coffee 'n Resto, Lhokseumawe

No matter what. We can't deny, sometimes we have different points of view and paradigm of something. We argue each others and have a lot of discussion and debate how the way we look something. However we still build and keep our together eventhough we have a bunch of differences.

With a whole of my heart, I just want to say that I be grateful too Yaa Hayyun to sent me a family like what I have now

Family is everything 💝

In this moment, I would like to invite some of my pretty ladies Mrs. @sailawana @dederanggayoni and Ms. @prilly @fitriafifa to follow this lovely contest. Here the link

I would like to say a massive thank you also to my cutie pie lady who makes this contest, Ms. @firyfaiz and my warm-hearted brothers Mr. @anroja @el-nailul @radjasalman ☺️

Warm regards,


 2 years ago 
Verified UserYes
Steemexclusive TagYes
Country TagYes
Delegator1,200 SP
Beneficiary Rewards10%

Terimakasih telah berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini 🙏

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, sama-sama, Bang 🙏🏻🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

Sukses ya kontes nya sista..syg

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih banyak ma pretty sista atas supportsnya 🥰💖

 2 years ago 

Keluarga adalah segalanya, karya yang luar biasa kak. Salam untuk keluarga Kaka semuanya 😊

 2 years ago 

Yazz dek @fitriafifa 🥰
Terima kasih banyak, dekku 😚
InsyaaAllah akan Kakak sampaikan nanti

May Yaa Rahim blessed your life 🤍😇

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali keluarga adalah segalanya the best, makasi dek atas undangannya😘😘

 2 years ago 

Iya betul sekali, Kak 🥰
Sama-sama Kak 😚
Have a blessed day 💖

 2 years ago 

We are so lucky to have a loyal family in our whole life. And I personally respecting your solidarity. Send my regards to your entire family, okay?

It's a great content to write. So proud of you.👏🤩

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, I highly appreciate it, sweety 😇
Yazz, I will send your regards later to my family 🥰

Your kind words warmed my heart 💝🤗
May Yaa Rahim blessed your life 🤍

 2 years ago 

Sungguh sangat beruntung kita memiliki keluarga, apalagi masih memiliki keluarga yang lengkap dari ibu, bapak sampai adik dan kakak. Karena salah satu sumber kebahagiaan ada di sana. Apalagi doa orang tua yang selalu yang terbaik untuk kita.

 2 years ago (edited)

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih banyak, Kanda
Iya, semoga kita sebagai anak bisa terus menjadi anak yang bisa membahagiakan kedua orang tua kita, baik dunia maupun akhirat 😇

Have a nice weekend with your lovely family, my brother 😊

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama dinda

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