Bireuen Government Distributes Aid to Victims of Houses Damaged by Strong Winds.

in Steem SEA27 days ago


The Government of Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, through the Social Service and the Bireuen Regional Disaster Management Agency distributed panic aid to victims of houses damaged by strong winds, Sunday, 23/06/2024.

This assistance was provided to a number of victims whose houses were damaged by strong winds and heavy rain, Saturday, 22/6/2024.

Strong winds and heavy rain poured down on Bireuen on Saturday night, resulting in four houses in Bireuen being heavily damaged and one Polindes also being damaged.

The damaged house belonged to Mirza (38 years), a resident of Cot Nga Village, Peusangan District, his house had damage to the roof. Furthermore, a shop house (ruko) belonging to Murdani (52 years old), a resident of Alue Kuta Village, Panjang District, as well as the roof where he lives with his family, was also blown away by the wind and the building was in a badly damaged condition.

Another victim, a house belonging to Suridawati (55 years), a resident of Lancok Pante Ara Village, Panjang District, was also badly damaged. The house is occupied by two heads of families and
four souls.

Then a Polindes in Cot Keuranji Village, Peusangan District, was seriously damaged by a mango tree and areca nut tree. Polindes
As a community service, it was seriously damaged.

The aid distributed is in the form of rice and noodles
instant, canned fish (sardines), granulated sugar, biscuits and cooking oil as well as other needs.

This assistance was handed over directly to the victims who were accompanied by local village officials and their families.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bireuen Regency Disaster Preparedness Cadet Coordinator (Tagana), Zulfikar, said that the Bireuen government, through the Social Service and the Bireuen Regional Disaster Management Agency, had distributed panic aid to victims of strong wind disasters in several villages.

"This assistance was handed over directly to the victims. Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden on the victims and their families," said Zulfikar.

Zulfikar added, The distribution of aid is a form of the district government's concern for disaster victims.

High intensity rain accompanied by strong winds hit the Bireuen Regency area, Aceh Province, Saturday, 06/22/2024.

As a result, four residents' houses were damaged due to being hit by strong winds, damage generally to roofs blown off by the wind or falling trees occurred in a number of villages in a number of sub-districts in Bireuen.






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