Joanna Dark Scores On Nintendo 64 in Perfect Dark - May 22nd, 2000 - Today in History

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Perfect Dark showed the Nintendo 64 could hum when in the right hands. We have to remember the Nintendo 64 was not exactly a powerhouse of a console. Even though what it could do was impressive in comparison to the competition there were limitations. In the right hands the N64 kicked butt such as Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, etc. The right hands were extremely limited and there simply were not enough to go around. Nintendo and Rare seemingly locked them all up. Perfect Dark exemplifies this notion.

perfect dark nintendo 64 rare.jpg

Perfect Dark's Golden Eye 007 connection

Much like its predecessor, Golden Eye 007, Perfect Dark was more fun in multiplayer. Both featured strong story lines that prodded single play as well. Perfect Dark was set in the future which allowed Rare to have fun with weapons, locations and enemies. This also freed them up from the "realistic" work done on Golden Eye 007.

Perfect Dark's development team were bouncing ideas around for when they completed Golden Eye 007. Early on the idea of working on "Tomorrow Never Dies", another James Bond movie to game, was mentioned. That was quickly shot down due to concerns and general feeling that James Bond was played out. The license consumed too much research and work as it was. Thankfully, Perfect Dark still rocked and went on to set sales records for N64 games. Even though the better stuff in the game required the expansion pack that Donkey Kong 64 released with.

Perfect Dark's future

Perfect Dark has gone on to appear on the Xbox line of consoles thanks to Microsoft purchasing Rare. This purchase has kept the original N64 game from appearing on any virtual console services from Nintendo. Sadly, when these copyright issues happen it is the gamers that lose out the most. For a copy of the N64 game it is time to hit Ebay.

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This article was originally published on Retro Gaming Magazine.


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