Dark Chronicle

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

Dark Chronicle is an action role-playing game.


As The Dark Chronicle begins, a girl runs to her father's room in a castle.

A group of creatures attack her; she defeats them and enters the room, where she finds a man standing over her dead father's body. The man disappears in a ball of light.


Max is a boy from the town of Palm Brinks.

He attends a circus and overhears a conversation between the ringmaster Flotsam and the town mayor Need ; Flotsam pressures Need to find a stone and threatens to cause panic by telling the town's people—who never leave its confines—about occurrences in the outside world if the stone is not found soon.


Flotsam sees Max and realizes Max's red pendant is the stone he is seeking. Max flees and leaves town to find out what is going on. He also hopes to find his missing mother.

Outside the town, Max meets his boss Cedric and Need on the town's train, Blackstone One. Cedric explains that fifteen years ago Emperor Griffon destroyed the world but spared Palm Brinks because he believed a special stone was hidden there.


Flotsam attacks Blackstone One and is defeated by the girl from the castle, who is Princess Monica Raybrandt from 100 years in the future. The train stops near Sindain; Monica speculates that the Great Elder Jurak may reveal Griffon's identity if they restore his origin point.

Griffon has sent his men to Max's time to alter the origin points of Monica's time, rewriting history and eliminating any opposition. Griffon has erased Jurak from existence by altering his origin point.


Monica and Max set about restoring Jurak's origin point; Monica says Max's stone pendent is a red atlamillia that allows passage into the future; Monica's blue atlamillia allows passage to the past.

They rebuild Sindain and go to the future to see Jurak, who says Griffon is from the distant past and advises them to speak to the great sage Crest.


At Balance Valley the party restore Crest's erased origin point.

They encounter Argo, who tells them the young Crest has died and only his apprentice Lin remains. Max and Monica rewrite Crest's history to avoid his death.

They go to Moon Crystal Lighthouse and travel into the past; Lin and Crest are attacked by a warship Death Ark, captained by Gaspard, who killed Monica's father.


They cannot prevent Crest's death but Lin vows to become a legendary sage. Max and Monica go to the future and meet Madam Crest—an elderly Lin—who tells them Griffon comes from 10,000 years in the past; a jump only the scientists at the Luna Lab can make.

Max and Monica restore the Lab's erased origin point and visit the future, where the Lab's head scientist Dr. Nobb shows them plans for a time-traveling train called Ixion, which can take them 10,000 years into the past.

Word arrives that a battle with Griffon's army is taking place; the rebels' leader Elena contacts Nobb. Max recognizes Elena as his mother, who is from Monica's time.


The rebels learned Griffon had a gold atlamillia and was seeking the other two stones.

Monica's father, who Gaspard killed, owned the first stone. The rebels then located the final stone, owned by Max's father Gerald 115 years in the past.


Elena traveled back in time to protect Gerald; they fell in love and had Max. Five years later, Elena had to return to the future to aid the rebels.

Nobb suggests the rebels can withstand Griffon by rebuilding Paznos, a massive mobile fortress. Max and Monica travel to the village Heim Rada to restore the Gundorada Workshop's origin point.


They are again attacked by Death Ark; they confront Gaspard, who is fighting for his changeling father who died when he was a child; he and his mother were run out of town.

Before dying, Gaspard's mother him he must find something worth protecting; Gaspard has not achieved this and he now lives for hatred.


He tells Max and Monica they must defeat Griffon and asks to join them.

Griffon's magic turns Gaspard into a dragon and forces him to fight them, and they reluctantly kill him. A child Gaspard is then shown meeting his mother.


Max and Monica return to the future and find Paznos has been built.

Griffon's army is defeated and Luna Lab tells them the Ixion is complete.


They head 10,000 years into the past and meet Griffon, a young moon-person who lives in Moon Flower Palace. He steals their atlamillia and changes into his real form.

Griffon plans to summon the Star of Oblivion, which will destroy all life on Earth and allow a new, better world to grow in its place.

He transports his palace into the sky of Max's time and begins destroying the world. Max and Monica use Ixion to travel to Kazarov Stonehenge and bring Paznos to Max's time.

Paznos attacks the Moon Flower Palace, which crashes to the ground.

Max and Monica face Griffon at the Palace.


They meet a woman named Alexandra (Mayumi Yanagisawa), who tells them she owns the Palace and that they fought an orphan child called Sirus, whom Alexandra adopted.

Sirus has forgotten his childhood because of the evil inside him. Alexandra asks them to restore the palace's garden to remind Sirus of his old life.

They do so and confront Griffon, who experiences a memory of Sirus lamenting that humans have nearly destroyed the world fighting for the atlamillia.


These memories weaken Griffon; Max and Monica defeat him and he turns back into Sirus. A Dark Element rises from Sirus' body and calls the Star of Oblivion.

The Element reveals it was born from Sirus's hatred of humans and plans to rule over the destroyed Earth. Max, Monica and the mortally wounded Sirus defeat the Element.

Sirus stops the Star of Oblivion and dies, rejoining Alexandra in the garden. At Kazarov, Max and Monica say goodbye. Elena says goodbye to Max and Paznos returns to its own time.


In the game's optional epilogue, Need asks Max to find some Zelmite ore to fuel Blackstone One.

In the mine, Max is joined by Monica, who has used a Starglass from Madam Crest to travel back in time.

The mechanical remains of Flotsam attacks them; they defeat it and reach the end of the mine. They find the Zelmite the Dark Genie from Dark Cloud attacks them. They defeat the Genie and return to Palm Brinks with the ore.

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