in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

Hello Splinterland warriors!

Today i am here to participate in the weekly battle challenge hosted by the Splinterlands team as i am always late sorry for the late participation just because of my busy routine but still i wanna participate in this challenge because 3 hours left for the post payout so let me start.


Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: RARE
Element: EARTH
ABILITIES: Snipe at level 1; Snare at level 5

Well, so this week monster was a child of the forest and this is the only card in earth splinter that i did not use yet believe me just because i am picking the earth elemental which has a great ability of healing so that is the reason that i did not see this monster even in my opponent side, by the way, let talk about this one.

Battle With Child Of The Forest


Battle Ruleset


The battle ruleset was the reverse speed and healed out it means that all healing monsters can not restore its heal and the monsters with the lowest speed will attack first on the enemy monster.

What Was My LineUp?

it was 25 mana battle which is enough but the problem was that the ruleset gave us a headache just because of healed out but still i don't know that how i won this battle lol, by the way, let me explain each and every card one by one.

So I went for LYANNA NATURA the beta earth summoner which has some great abilities to give one extra life to each monster on the friendly team and also it takes less mana. why i choose this summoner because i don't have the untamed upgraded summoner of the earth so that is why i choose this one and obviously child of the forest belongs to the earth family so that was the 2nd reason of picking earth summoner.

Well in the first position I used the great monster of earth family which is the NECTAR QUEEN i choose this one for the first position just because of its high life and also the summoner gave one extra life to each monster. However, i am mostly using the FLESH GOLEM in the first position but because of the healed out ruleset, i have to pick the nectar queen to stand on the first position and bear some attacks to stay for sometimes means not killed too early.

In the second position, i used this little frog whose name is GOBLIN SORCERER this is also a great card for the sneak ability but i am always skipping this monster also but this time i choose this one to kill some upper monsters by its sneak ability and give some winning chances and then surely this monster did his job by its powerful sneak ability attacks.

In the third position, i used the SCREECHING VULTURE which is my favorite card in the earth's family i like this monster just because of it's flying and opportunity ability and i am using it mostly in my battles with earth splinter. so here i choose this monster to find the opportunity for attacking enemy monsters.

Well, the next monster i used the great SPIRIT SHAMAN an epic monster of the earth family with its strong ability to stunt to give you more winning chances, and this monster also did his job by stunting that block the enemy monster. This is a low mana card that you can use in each of your battle with earth splinter but make sure you need to upgrade this monster before unlocking its stun ability.

Believe me, i am not the fan of this monster and this was my first battle in which i used this monster but for this challenge, i upgraded this card to level 2 even i was not aware that this will the next challenge monster. so i used this card for sniping ability to attack to the last monster instead of the first one but i don't like this card just because of its less life and only one snipe attack but still, i used this for the challenge.

Lastly, i used the furious chicken just to fill the space because i am using the furious chicken in the first position but this time i was in hurry to fill the space and submit the battle.

Did your strategy work?

To be honest i don't know that how i won the battle and even i don't think so that i won this battle with child of the forest but still i write a post for participation in the challenge.

All images are from the Splinterlands website if you are new to this game then signup here to play the game click here for signup

Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali

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