Weiss, the warrior who surpassed the legendary Sephiroth of FFVII

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

Sephiroth is one of the most remembered antagonists in the Final Fantasy universe, due to the great impact that the seventh instalment released on PlayStation 1 had. Many consider him to be the most dangerous enemy of FFVII, but in order to draw this conclusion we must take into account the whole story that encompasses the video games that were based on this story.

First of all, we must remember how Sephiroth became a powerful character. It all begins through his origin, since he was a fetus he carried in his blood the Jenova cells thanks to a scientist called Hojo who was obsessed with the ancestors called Cetra and the life current.

His obsession was so high that he had no limits and used his own colleague named Lucrecia Crescent, injecting her with Jenova cells while she was pregnant, resulting in the first individual with Mako cells whom he called Sephiroth.

But Hojo did not know something very fundamental about Jenova, she was not a Cetra (ancient beings who inhabited the earth) rather it was an extraterrestrial being who tried to eliminate that race, but was stopped thanks to the last Cetra survivors with the help of the Vital current.

Sephiroth always lived under the deception of Hojo, from the beginning he indicated to her that her mother was Jenova, leaving Lucrecia on a plane that did not exist in her life. With time Hojo's experiments would bear fruit, giving birth to the first elite of super-soldiers who had Jenova cells inside them, obtaining great abilities in combat.

At a certain point in the story, Sephiroth learns of the dark past of the Jenova project, which caused him enormous confusion in his mind because all his life he thought that his mother was this being, this led him to believe that he was a direct descendant of the Cetra, swearing revenge on humanity for using his mother.

But the moment he lost his mind he was stopped by two soldiers who were accompanying him on a mission, these were Zack Fair and Cloud Strife. The battle would end in an unexpected way, Sephiroth was thrown into the abyss of the life current, but it could not absorb him because of the Mako cells, sailing in it fully conscious for years, formulating a sinister plan to destroy humanity.

Sephiroth wanted to cause one of the worst wounds caused on the planet by the dark matter through a meteorite, in this way all the life current of the planet would come out to prevent its destruction, when this happened Sephiroth would absorb it, becoming an all-powerful god, but this would not happen.

However, there was a being within the FFVII universe that was able to achieve what Sephiroth wanted, it was Weiss The Immaculate, the antagonist that would become known in the video game Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, but first we must know how this character originated, this way we will know why he is more powerful than Sephiroth.

Shinra is a company that monopolized in some way the vital energy of the planet, converting it into electrical energy to supply different regions. Being a company with a lot of power, it had an enormous influence through different types of armies, among them were the well-known SOLDIERS, result of the previously exposed experiments of the scientist Hojo of which Sephiroth was its leader.

Many considered these warriors as the elite of that company, however, secretly Shinra elaborated a group of warriors that surpassed in all aspects the SOLDIERS, this project would be called Deepground, and would be known just when the company Shinra fell.

Weiss was the warrior who led this group of mercenaries. Thanks to the Jenova cells that were in his body, the scientist Hojo was able to dominate his body to carry out his evil plan, which was that his body absorbed the Mako energy of the planet, giving birth to Omega, the divine manifestation of the planet earth that wants to take all the souls of the inhabitants and create a new world.

Thanks to these powers Weiss is able to have really amazing skills, capable of destroying any character before he can blink. One of the outstanding things is his ability to move at the speed of light, as well as having a virtually indestructible body.

The only way to eliminate him was to face someone whose abilities were equal or superior, only one character in the entire universe of Final Fantasy VII could achieve this, the legendary Vincent Valentine, but through his latest transformation called Chaos, however, it would not be an easy task, because the power of Weiss once transformed into Omega reaches unimaginable levels.

This makes Weiss The Immaculate the character that surpassed Sephiroth in all aspects, achieving what the first antagonist wanted from the beginning, to become an all-powerful god of the planet earth, besides having a perfect body with an unimaginable strength and speed that no human could visualize.

If you are interested in Weiss's story and how it ends I recommend you to play Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, a videogame that has been a little forgotten over time, but it contains a lot of information about the FFVII universe that every fan of this great title should know.

Did you know about Weiss and his great power? Tell me your opinion in the comments section.

See You!!!

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