Bundled Games of [Itch.io] I'd Love to Try

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Hi, all... Last week I bought the Itch.io's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. (Thanks @felipejoys for help.) The bundle contains +1500 projects, including videogames, table-top games, books, tools and resources.

The bundle has 59 pages of 30 projects each, and I' currently at page 14. Since the games can only be added to the library one-by-one, I spend some time every day to check the next few games and see if I want them in my library, slowly but surely approaching the end.

Out of the 380+ games/projects I checked out by now, I added exactly 106 ones to my library. I'm interested in all of them but I don't have time to play all, so I tried to narrow the games even further and write about them in this article.

Some of the great games in the bundle are already in my Steam and/or Epic store library (like Celeste,) so I won't be talking about those here.

Below I'll put a list o the games that I'd like to try thus far. As well as one GameDev tool and a table-top RPG. Each game below is accompanied by its Itch.io header image and a comment by me... So let's start:


Long Gone Days

This is the game I decided to pick up the bundle for! The story explores doing the right thing in war. Since I heard about it and saw its beautiful blend of attractive character design and solid pixelart, It's still in early access but getting it as a part of the bundle was a great bargain.


I believe Pyre is the most famous game in the bundle. It's made by the Supergiant who developeed Bastion and Transistor. This is one of the games I'm excited to try and the promise of "No Game Over" (the story always continues,) sounds appealing to me!

Fortune 499

This game incorporates fortune telling into Rock-Paper-Scissors and presents it in RPG form. ...I tried Fortune 499 two years ago, and wrote about it back on Steemit. I didn't finish it because I lost the game files after my monthly subscription ended. I didn't download it since. I'm glad it was on the bundle so more people could give it a chance!


Well, I don't know anything about this game. It's not on this list because it looks cute... It's here because after I wishlisted it on Steam, I kept getting updates from the developers that they're updating and patching the game. I thought it was an admirable thing to keep adding to the game a while after its release. Would love to check it sometime!

Headliner: NoviNews

This game seems amazing. You're a newspaper editor and you have to approve or reject the news articles that comes to you, and at night you go out to see how the city was impacted by your news. That premise is great! I'm putting Headliner: NoviNews as one of the top games on my backlog and I hope to reach it soon~


THIS GAME IS FUN! A while ago, I watched a review of Octodad and I really like it and it's sitting on my Steam wishlist for a while now. Playing as an octopus and trying to manage a family of humans is so bizarre its seems very fun! I was happy to see this game in the bundle and I'll try to move it up in my backlog.

The Novelist

So, I've wanted to buy this game when I saw it on sale on Steam by 2017. I didn't. I found the premise that you don't control the novelist directly (only suggest to him what to do,) kind of interesting. You control a ghost that is in the house instead of any of the characters.

The Wolf's Bite

I don't even know what this game is, and I'm interested in it! The colorful art-style captivated me and I'd like to try it to see if the gameplay is as attractive.

All-Stars Dungeons And Diamonds

This is a competitive two player game, and while I don't usually play those, the art of the game is beatiful enough and there seems to be extensive attention to details in ASDAD that I wanna give it a try.

Double Cross

This is a platformer I'm only interested in because of its character design and the header of its Itch.io page. It looks a soild platformer though. (...I keep thinking there must be a connection between this game and 20XX.)

Witch Way

This looks like a good puzzle platformed, with a surprisingly expressive pixel art. It appears in my Itch.io feed for a while but I only got to download it now with the bundle.


This one isn't a game but a whole fantasy console. It's a program that can be used to make and/or play games with certain limitations. PICO-8 is one of the most popular fantasy consoles out there and I'm glad I'd get to try it.

Stand Up

This is the only table-top RPG in my list. It's based off Persona 5 (even using the same color scheme.) I love P5 so instant download for me. Stand Up about rebellion and finding your purpose in the society. I haven't tried it out yet but I've downloaded the PDF to check the rules.

~ & That's my list ~

I'm currently playing Long Gone Days, which is is good as I thought would be. I also want to play Headliner: NoviNews as soon as possible. The game was released on Switch too, as far as I can tell... I'm also interested in trying Pyre. The rest of these games will be put in various position in my backlog.

So, What do you think?

Are you interested in any of these games? Did you get the bundle yourself? Do you have a recommendation for me? Please let me know in comments!

The first image is made using this image from PC Gamer. All the games images are taken from their respective games pages on Itch.io.

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