Back to [Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links] Buying Packs, Odion Unlock Missions & Téa vs Mai

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

I love playing Yu-Gi-Oh, though I'm years behind in the Meta game. I stopped following the series just before Zexal and I only play the card game in short bursts since that time and I'm not really used to the new rules introduced since then.

That's why I love playing Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links! The Meta of Duel Links is still in 5Ds Saga, and the game features different rules optimized for short play sessions. Duel Links is my go to online game since 2019 and I used to write about it on the blockchain in my #ScreenshotSaturday articles (I'll probably go back to do such.) I wrote some articles about the game and its events before.

Super Ultra Special Awesome!!

I haven't played Duel Links for a few months, but I did return to the game this week to play short games when I have time. Since I had 9999 (the max amount of) Gems I bought some card packs. I got some Ultra Rare cards like Magic Drain (Negates a spell unless the opponent discards one card from hand,) and Half Shut. (Halves the attack of one monster but it can't be destroyed that turn.) The latter is a Quick Play Spell and this in my opinion better than being a trap card with the same effect.

Missions Completed! Yay~

Another thing I done after going back to the game is to check the Missions. I found that I fulfilled some of the conditions of Character Unlock Missions by buying the packs I mentioned above. One of Esparoba Unlock Conditions was to collect 300 Psychic cards and I did collect a bunch of them.

The interesting thing that happened is that I found I activated the Character Unlock Mission for "Odion" by using Trap Cards 300 times. He's not the first hidden character I activate the unlock mission for, before him was Mako Tsunami. But I find it very fitting to unlock Odion by using Trap Cards since his debut duel in the manga/anime is when Trap Cards that can be summoned as monsters was first introduced.

I always thought his name was Odin. (Watched the Arabic dub.) Live and Learn~

My next objective in Duel Links is to finish the next Stage Mission, which includes beating Mai Valentine 3 times. I decided to do that with Téa Gardner (because "irony.") I built a new deck for Téa consisting of LIGHT/Fairy monsters. I also experimented with some Spells/Traps that I thought fit the deck. (Some cards are so getting removed!) I finally dueled Mai and beat her once before closing the game until the next time.

"She looks so confident here..."

While I have more time for gaming these days. I have less time for Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links as I play games from my backlog to decide which to finish and which to keep (read my #ClearingTheBacklog article series.) It's a nice game that I can play in the background while listening to audio books so I should play it more.

What do you think?

All images are screenshots from the game (Steam ver.) taken by me.

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