You become an accomplice to your own dissatisfaction when you don't let go of what hurts you. hurts.

Many people feel that they don't deserve good things and must suffer instead. It's not a specific feeling or thought in the sense of "I don't deserve to do something that makes me feel better," but thoughts like "What makes me think I deserve good things?" Recognizing and accepting that you deserve more is half the battle to get what you want.

By accepting the things you don't want, you are building a life that does not reflect your own choices, needs and identity. Learn to choose for yourself, not to please others. Living a life trying to please the other is not living the life you want and always feeling frustration and disappointment.
If things go out of our idealization, we end up disappointed. We can even fool ourselves into thinking that if the other doesn't treat us well it's because we don't deserve it. In the end, you run the risk of believing that you only deserve crumbs and you try to be content with them. But you are not content, and you end up blaming yourself for it.

Understand: if the other person hasn't changed because of love, he won't change because of your pain. Start by stopping trying to rationalize the other person's bad behavior: say exactly what hurts you. If the other person does not listen, or diminish your suffering, and you accept it,
realize that you are settling for less than you deserve.
When we let go of expectations of who we would like the other to be and look at the real person, we can identify if that is where we should give our love and affection. In doing so, we can cultivate sustainable love instead of growing our feelings in dry, barren soil. After all, we can only truly love a person for who they are, not for what we would like them to be".

As you accept that you deserve more and begin to make choices that reflect what you want for your life and your relationships, you will begin to feel better. The better you feel, the easier it will be to stop putting yourself down, rejecting abuse and accepting less than you deserve.

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