Let Your Action Talk And Remain Silent | Focus On Your Aim

Greetings All Steemians,
Here I come with another blog, time for sharing another thought that may match your mind. I mean our though would be the same. I've done so many mistakes in life and I have no regret today because I've learned lessons from those mistakes. Once I talked too much when my action doesn't meet them I felt embarrassed so today's topic of discussion will be about remain silent and let our action talk.
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This is wise to talk less, we can avoid so many problems in life by remaining silent. When we talk to much we become weak to our efforts as a result we become frustrated, sad and demotivated. This is very normal for we human. But when we keep silent and focus on out efforts we can achieve out goal or if we miss our goal there will be no one to laugh at us. Remaining silent has huge good sides amongst all, we can save our energy for work. When we talk too much there always some chances left to talk wrong, I mean we can talk unnecessary that may put a question mark to our personality.
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When we talk more we get a name and that is Talkative and no one may not wish to have this name. Once I was a talkative and one day my father was reported by my class teacher that my father's daughter (myself) is a talkative and my father told it to my mom and I was there and find it such an insult. But as being talkative was my nature so it was hard for me to change myself instantly. I was a student of class two when a teacher complained to my parents that their 6 years old girl is a talkative, now think how was my mental state at that time? See I still remember that and I lost respect to that teacher as he was more talkative than I. Anyways, I was a little kid and I was very sensitive. I still can't take negative words positively so remain silent is the best and now I can.

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Finally I've trained myself to keep silent stay alone most of the time. I've realized the importance of less talking and it is really very helpful. According to some research, people who talk too much lose their longevity and die sooner comparatively than others. If remaining silent most of the time is useful then why not to have it? Unnecessary talk usually would be lie, critic and something that may hurt other, so why talk unnecessary when we can save energy by remaining silent. People around us may consider one wise who talk less when some foolish people try to express their wisdom by talk too much as they wish to prove themselves that they are knowledgeable and knows everything. Showing of knowing everything definitely not wise.

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Remain silence doesn't mean that you don't know anything. Being a good listener is important when you really wants to be a wise. A good listener can achieve more than a person who talk too much. Like everything else we also need to practice these good qualities, one is being a good listener and the other is talk less. When we need to talk something good we should open our mouth or else we can keep silent. We should keep silent when we are angry and I can understand how hard it is. But we have to practice it like we practice to have patience like that we should practice remain silent.
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Our work should be perfect and our action should be answer for those who didn't trust our guts but we did. We should trust ourselves and keep practicing and working that one day people get and realize their mistake. We often may saw when two sided quarrel become fight because both side talk and insult by words equally as a result they hurt to each other and lost the good relation or contact between them. Most relationship breaks up for talk too much and listen less. When we should listen more and talk less. This would be hard at the beginning but when you'll learn how to tolerate or absorb the bad comments of people around you and you'll remain silent, there you can find peace and later the person who throw bad comments to you will realize that he was wrong, so keep silent and let others talk and realize that you are not interested to spoil your valuable words to them, if they never can realize let them go just focus on your action.

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Let me tell you, how to enjoy silent moments. I feel good when I find a place where no sound and no noise. I close my eyes and enjoy my imaginations. We can listen music that may heal our mind, there are many healing sounds available in the internet world so choose a suitable mind healing music or sound for you. I prefer the sound of water drops or rain drops which heal my mind when I remain silent. It really peaceful. When we are making a conversation let talk the other person and be a good and attentive listener and when speak up it should be something really helpful or meaningful response to others. If you are feeling disturb don't express it and remain silent and you can avoid so many upcoming problems this way.

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The more you keep silent, the more you can celebrate a peaceful better life. If you successfully remain silence when get angry, you can feel peace and your relationship with others will be saved. Sometimes we talk like fun which may hurt others, we also have to give up this quality. We shouldn't participate in gossiping where people spread rumor, blame others. Avoid people who interested in such things that annoying you. Most of the time try to connect Almighty by praying and this is the best way to heal our mind. Never attend any useless conversation that may bother you and insist you to talk more. When we talk much and make fun people with good personality may consider us such a joker so we can use our humor smartly where our personality may not hurt.
Now I've changed a lot and focusing my works instead telling people my actions and aim for future. We need to remember one thing, wise people always show their efforts and talk less.

Would Love To Thank Specially :
For appreciating my writing and efforts in this platform 💕


Good Post....

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