There is NO Tomorrow | BATTLE MONTH | 05

in Sri Lanka-ශ්‍රී ලංකා3 years ago
Do you ever think that 'Oh I should have done this before ?. This is something I always regret and it makes me feel worried. We always tend to postpone our works. Think, how lazy we are. Yep, the reason for postponing work to tomorrow is *laziness*. So, if you do this, accept that you are a lazy person.

When I was studying at university, I had a lot of exams, assignments, presentations, etc. A specific date was given to submit these tasks. So, what we did is, postponed every task until the last moment to submit. However, we submitted every task on time. But the thing is, that was not our maximum on that task. Well, this moment feels us sad about it. At a time like this, I feel like I could have done this better in the past. The saddest thing is, there was so much time and I was doing nothing. I think we all are like this.


On the other hand, there may have some reasons to postpone our works until tomorrow. Yeah, some acceptable reasons. But, here I'm telling you about laziness which is cause for postponing works. Besides the works that I mentioned above, we postpone some things due to some reasons. I'll tell you those things now. Sometimes I think that 'if I had the money I take my mom out for a dinner or I buy her some clothes or some sweets (because she loves chocolates so much)' like that. So, I have to wait till I graduate and then get a job to earn some money to make my mom happy. As well, I think 'one day I'll take care of mom, my sister, and my partner' well and 'I'll help poor when I have money. These are also some kind of postponement.

If we actually think about those, we can do those now. No need to wait until we earn some money. Let me explain about these. I mentioned above that I want to take my mom out for a dinner. But I haven't had money at that time, I could have to make dinner for my mom at home. Like that we don't need money to do those things. We don't need money to help others, we can donate them some things that we already have. I can take care of my loved ones even now, no need to wait until 'one day'.

We don't know what will happen to us tomorrow. We may even die tomorrow. Then, we will die doing nothing that we planned to do one day. On the other hand, our loved ones may not there when we do things that we planned for them. That's the reality of human life. Life is unstable. In the end, we get worried about those. So, I'm trying to tell you here is that there is no tomorrow, if you have to do or plan to do something, and if you can do those today; do it Today. Don't wait until tomorrow. Otherwise, you are the one who regrets it. I'm telling you again that there is no TOMORROW.

 3 years ago 

@sanuri ,
Interesting topic and 100% cannot accept your concept.But I need to add some thing about from my side.We need to do today some thing for tomorrow also.Example for that if you have rs 1000 and you spending all the money in today,may be tomorrow you become trouble.Anyway I am accepting about money matter you told.

But I haven't had money at that time, I could have to make dinner for my mom at home. Like that we don't need money to do those things. We don't need money to help others, we can donate them some things that we already have.

I think do what you can do maximum in today and make sure your future also secure.

 3 years ago 

Thank you @inudi for the comment.
But I think you have missed the point. Of course, there are some things we must wait for to do in the future at the perfect time. But what I meant here was if we have the ability to do something today, do it without procrastinating it for tomorrow.

This is written so well. You are giving a huge message to society. I fall into the category of leaving things for tomorrow. But after reading this, I need to consider certain things that I need to do now. Thanks for sharing this beautiful article.

 3 years ago 

But after reading this, I need to consider certain things that I need to do now.

Yeah, do those things now . You won’t regret it.

Thank you so much for this comment.

 3 years ago 

We should live at present and plan for future but we should not keep something to do tomorrow.

 3 years ago 

Exactly. You got the point ☺️

 3 years ago 

Yes, you are damn right in this regard and i am also so.

The saddest thing is, there was so much time and I was doing nothing. I think we all are like this.

I'm aware that this is not a good habit even though I have been doing this since so long if I am honest with you. And this condition got increased with this current condition of Covid-19 and I have decided to stop it after seeing this article.

Life is short......Time is limited.....
Lets do it today

 3 years ago 

Life is short......Time is limited.....
Let's do it today

That's right. This is the point. We can no longer be late because time is limited. If you have something to say to your loved ones, say it today. Don't be late.

 3 years ago 

As you mentioned here, I also postponed my university works to its last minute but however I do it. But sometimes I felt that I had to do it little bit earlier as you say. So we can do little thing for our loved ones and ourselves by today itself. This means it will save our time in future.

Worth reading👌🏼👌🏼

 3 years ago 

Thank you nangi for this comment. Your appreciations are very valuable to me and they make me encourage. I'll tell you one thing that does your university works as soon as possible by taking time and give your best on that works. Otherwise, you will regret your GPA one day like me today😓😅.

 3 years ago 

Sure I will try my best to do it without postponing.

 3 years ago 

I was thinking whether I start studying tommorow or day after tommorow. I already doing this postponing since April 1st. Procrastination is my biggest enemy. I actually thought to start right now instead of tommorow after reading this.

At least one fact will be studied today. Otherwise this 'tommorow' won't come to me. Never.


 3 years ago 

Yeah, don't postpone study works. As well don't spend so much time on something except study works.

 3 years ago 

If we can interview some successive persons, they may also tell this to us. Without being late, doing the things on time definitely help us to save our time, save money.

 3 years ago 

That's right. It will save both our time and money too.

 3 years ago 

A worthwhile fact to each and everybody to stand up from laziness. 😁

As you mentioned,I also used to complete my submission on last minute at my university days. If my laziness was not with me, definitely I could have taken more GPA. 😋

Anyhow, this Article evokes my soul telling escape from my laziness. ❤️

Worth reading! ✌


 3 years ago 

Wow thank you so much for the appreciation 😍

We can’t be lazy anymore, time is running so fast.

Hello @sanuri, your publication filled me with many feelings, I will tell you that I identify with her on a personal level because out of laziness and thinking that I would have more time I did not give importance to my father's advice, this leaving everything for later is something That it hurts me deeply because he died and now that if I do everything he told me, he is not present now, that is why I regret not having done it before. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.


 3 years ago 

Sad about your father's loss😢. See, how we regret things that we have to do before. That's why we should do things today, not tomorrow.

 3 years ago 

Your post has been accepted. Thank you for the participation. Stay active.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much

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