Stop worrying about the future of any life for a moment

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We often hear people talk about the importance of living the present life and the different ways to benefit from it. It all sounds amazing, especially the low levels of stress and anxiety, but how can we live in this moment where our minds are constantly preoccupied with the past or planning for the future?

In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits of living in this moment that you may not be aware of. After that, we will look at some of the obstacles and why we are concerned. Finally, and most importantly, I will show you how to survive right now and stop worrying using a few simple methods that you can easily add to your busy schedule.

The result: a happier and more fulfilling life.

Although it may be difficult to survive at this time, it has many benefits.

Here are some things that will greatly improve your life:

Better health,

By reducing stress and anxiety, you avoid many health-related consequences, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Studies show that being present can also improve psychological well-being. [1]

Improve your relationships.

Have you ever been with someone who is physically present, but mentally a million miles away?

Living with available people is a struggle and building relationships with them is extremely difficult.

What about being with someone who is fully present? We enjoy being with her because we can build a very deep relationship.

By living in this moment, you can become a person who enjoys being with another person and facilitating the relationship.

Greater self-control.

You have more control over your mind, body, and emotions. Imagine how much better your life would be if it weren't for your racing mind and unpredictable emotions. Without a doubt, you will be more relaxed and happier. [two]

Why are we worried?

Before answering this question, it is important to distinguish between anxiety and worry.

When we are worried about something, we are more likely to face a real problem with a realistic solution. So once we do our best to solve this problem, we are ready to live with the consequences.

Thinking, on the other hand, involves unrealistic thinking. We can worry about a problem that doesn't really exist, or consider all the bad things that could result. So, we can't deal with the consequences. Either way, we have a hard time dealing with uncertainty, which is a normal part of life.

Certainly, some of our problems may not have the desired results, such as serious health problems. Some issues may be beyond our control, such as civil unrest or financial hardship. In such cases, avoiding anxiety can be difficult, but not impossible.

3 steps to start living in the moment
Step 1: Overcome anxiety
To overcome anxiety, we must do two things.

Calm your mind

When you calm your mind, you can see more clearly.

Some worries make it difficult for our brains to function so fast that we can't really see things like that. After that, we create a set of possible scenarios in our minds, most of which are unlikely to come true.

In addition to seeing more clearly, a calm mind will help us to think realistically. Unrealistic thinking is fueled by confusion and uncontrollable emotions. Calming your mind will reduce confusion and calm your emotions, and you will have a chance to live life in that moment.

Focus on solutions instead of problems
Some people are more solution-oriented and others more based. Some of the factors that determine it are gender, upbringing, and education.

The most educated people solve problems. Their education teaches them to do the same. In addition, your work can reinforce this way of thinking.

If you're not focused on solving a problem, don't worry. You can train yourself to be less anxious. We will discuss this soon.

Step 2: identify barriers to living in the moment
In today's busy world, living in the moment can be challenging. The causes revolve around our brain and also external influences.

Brain racing
Many busy people have a mental race that never seems to stop. Too much sensory stimulation is very irritating to your brain.

You see, anything that stimulates one of our five senses triggers a thought, and that thought leads to another, and then another.

If you have a busy life, all your activities will sharpen your mind and make it seem impossible to narrow it down.

Unpleasant situation and troubled past
None of us want to live in unpleasant situations, nor do we want to remember the past. They can create painful emotions that we don't want to feel.

So how do most people cope with traumatic emotions?

Whatever we can do to avoid them, we can take our mind to another place and time where things are more pleasant.

In other words, we avoid living in the present moment.

Some people turn to things that stimulate sensory pleasure, such as food, alcohol, or sex. Others will use substances that will dull their minds and prevent them from thinking about unpleasant or stressful situations.

A wandering mind.

From the moment we are born (possibly soon) until we die, our body and mind are active to do something. Therefore, it is natural for our mind to be conscious or unconscious, to be somewhat active.

In general, the rotating brain is unproductive. An idea starts an endless stream of thoughts, and this process can continue until we need our brain to do something special or to do something else.

Now there are times when mind wandering can be fruitful, like creating a work of art or trying to find creative solutions to problems. In such cases, we need our mind to explore different possibilities [3].

External effects.

Most of us have no idea how our environment and social norms affect our thinking and behavior. People and organizations are constantly competing for our attention. The media draw our attention to the past and generally herald the future. [4]

Many of the people around us who live in the past or the future try to attract us to their way of thinking. Even the entire American dream is moving into the future. It tells us that we will be happy if we get things like a good career, family, and home.

##Step 3: Practice Mindfulness.

So how can we live in a world that constantly tries to draw our attention to the past and the future?

Before taking concrete action, it is important to understand what mindfulness is. You may have heard the term before, but you may not fully understand what it means.

Understand the mindset.

The concept of mindfulness is quite simple. Keeping your mind is a time of reflection.

When you are attentive, your attention is focused on what is happening in the present and you are completely in touch with reality [5].

You know what is going on in your body, mind, emotions and the world around you. It is different from thinking about these things. To promote maximum understanding, you don't have to think about them, but rather observe them.

This can be compared to many people, especially intellectuals, because they use logic to create maximum understanding. With intelligence, we calm our minds and emotions so that we can see more clearly. So most of our understanding will come from simple observation. When we create intelligence, we literally increase our consciousness.

To develop a mindset, we need to train ourselves to observe things more objectively, that is, from our emotions or perceptions that affect our thoughts.

If you're ready to live a better life, read on for some simple mindfulness techniques that can be incorporated into your daily routine so you can live in the moment.

You don't have to do all of these things, but choose the ones that appeal to you and suit your lifestyle.

Mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation is the ultimate goal of developing a mindset and living life in the moment. To practice mindfulness meditation, you must sit quietly and follow your breathing. When your brain wanders, just inhale again.

Consider how your lungs expand with each breath and contract with each breath. Make your breathing comfortable and natural.

You don't have to do it completely. The idea is to start moving away from the constant sensory stimulation of all your activities and let it settle naturally. Start with 5-10 minutes a day and work your way up to about 20 minutes or more.

This exercise is very effective and can have both short-term and long-term benefits.

If you want to learn more about mindfulness meditation, check out this article: What is mindfulness meditation? 7 ways to start meditation

Brain breathing
Although this may seem like mindfulness meditation, what you are doing is taking occasional breaks (10-15 seconds) to observe your breathing. Stop what you're doing, take a few deep breaths, and then resume your activity. That's it.

You can take deep breaths at any time of the day during your busy schedule. What works disrupts the speed of your brain. It is like walking on your feet. It's a nice refreshing break that you can take without looking.

Here are some breathing exercises you can try to learn: 5 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety (Simple and Quick to Quick Anxiety)

Cerebral stroke
Walking is an activity that is done several times a day. We often think we're doing just fine texting or calling someone on the go. But are we really?

Instead of reaching for your cell phone or letting your mind wander, why not use your walk to train your momentum to survive and focus on the job at hand?

Walking carefully is like mental breathing, but focus on walking instead of concentrating on your breathing. Pay attention to every step. Also, observe the

Eating carefully has many health benefits, such as decreased appetite, better digestion, and even weight loss.

So how do you eat mentally? Start slowly and avoid the temptation to distract yourself from any other activity. Here are 3 different aspects of eating that you can practice mindfulness on:

Self-eat: Focus on choosing a serving of food to put in your mouth. When chewing it, observe its smell, taste and texture. Then finally swallow it. As you meditate on your breathing, pay close attention to every aspect of the food.
Food Choices - Even if you've already chosen your food before you start eating, you can still take the opportunity to consider your options. Think about the nutrients your body needs to maintain itself.
Considering resources: Most of us don't think about all the work it takes to provide our food. When you eat, consider all the activities of the farmer, the trucking company, and the grocery store. These are real people who have worked hard to provide you with the food you need to survive.
You can find more tips on Mindful Eating: 7 Easy Steps to Mind Eating

Mental activities.

Choose an activity that you do regularly, like doing the dishes. Focus on this activity and resist the urge to let your mind wander. When that happens, just focus on doing the dishes.

Notice certain dishes or dishwashing sensations, such as the feel of soapy water on your hands, the circular motions of moving dishes, or cleaners. You may wonder how such worldly activity can really heighten your awareness.

You can choose whatever activity you want, such as ironing, knitting, mowing the lawn, or bathing. As time goes on, you will begin to do all of these activities with more attention.

##Final thoughts.

Experiencing the mindset is like making small changes to a boat on a regular basis. All of this will increase over time, increasing peace and happiness as much as possible, and at the same time you will be closer to achieving your goals.

Remember, you don't have to go through the entire mindfulness process to reap the benefits. All you have to do is bring your mind back to the present moment when it is lost.

Demonstrating intelligence may be a bit difficult at first, but I assure you it will be easy.

The benefits of living in the moment are within your reach, no matter how competitive you are. By sticking to these mindfulness methods, you too will stop living and worrying right now. When you do that, a whole new world will open up for you. This is what Zen master Thech Nut Hana has declared to be the ultimate reality.

Learn more about staying up to date.

34 ways to live in the moment and grow in the moment
7 ways to train yourself to be more mindful
20 things to worry about in life that are too short (+ how to get rid of these worries)
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