"Nero" Plays the Twitter as America Burns

in Original MEMEs4 years ago (edited)

Everyone.... save a few were thrown to the wolves
Did Cognitive Dissonance work
Did Denial work
Does a leader who is tweeting more than allowing other countries to help making your newly acquired PTSD awesome?
Are the Vaccines going to save us or is it Agenda 21? Do we wait till there are heaps more bodies to find out darlings?
How's your job security?
How's your healthcare?
The fourth pillar fell, is that going well?
Open up the land barons non essentials before it's remotely even remotely safe........ did you go shopping? how fun
NO collaboration going on and YOU all are the Guinea Pigs, who cares if way more people than killed in Vietnam are gone (another American horror story)
A.I. can replace almost all of us and the bunkers are already made and humans are commodities does anyone care or is NETFLIX just too damn interesting
McMansions make you too sad you spoiled fucks! Go get your hair done and nails DID and be carriers , THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT LEMMINGS

roblang giphy

the end ! Enjoy figuring out how to pay your rent when any grace period ends and the debt bubble implodes and you are down to be getting boxes of mac n' cheese because you just didn't get rich off crypto. Bread and Circus and nobody is immune and the Karma police are out in force and deep down the deserving know they may be the next to have their number up. Remember that when cheap Nachos are going to be the food porn pics on here if you are lucky.
Maybe there is hope and maybe this is a purge and maybe keeping distracted by whatever bullshit you can zone out on will see you through............and maybe not

THERE IS NO MEME AND THAT'S THE MEME, oh by the way a record breaking Ozone hole appeared then healed itself like a miracle and U.F.O's are declassified..............what other diversions besides mass death will be implemented before a ton get to realize that the boomerang of evil may just have you marked? Nevermind logic, go out and social distance and get fatter on cheeseburgers if you can! ;) Now is a good time to reread The Books of Enoch and Revelations while I go plant some Lavender and let it allllllll collapse.


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Oh the edited version! I read the Reader's Digest version first.

Oh the edited
Version! I read the Reader's
Digest version first.

                 - kerrislravenhill

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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