PAPDI Aceh vs IDI Aceh Barat - Nagan Raya

Last weekend we had a friendly football game in Meulaboh, capital of West Aceh district. IDI Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya hosted the game. The game held at Teuku Umar Stadium.


I joined PAPDI Aceh club, it’s an amateur club for our organization. PAPDI is association of internal medicine doctors. We have a club, and we are the players.


We played in Meulaboh since we did social working to treat patients in remote villages. At the late afternoon, we did friendly game.


PAPDI Aceh won the game 4-0 over IDI Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya. The game was quite tight, but IDI could not defend well enough. That’s why PAPDI could score 4 goals.

We didn’t expect to win that many goals with clean sheet as well.


Looks like it was a lot of fun! That is awesome that you are doing that work in those remote places. There are definitely a lot of under-served areas in this world.

Thrilling to see you on the pitch. What position do you play? Beware of injury ooo. All the best.

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Left winger.. I just played about 20 minutes. Afraid of injury 😀😀

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