World Athletics Launches ‘Athletics At Home’.


Seriously, at this time, all hands needs to be on deck. Together we can all stop the scourge of this virus by using some social distancing to ourselves.

Thanks to God for the compliance so far all across the world.

Every aspect of life that people have been glued to are shunning out programs to engage viewers at home.

Sports industry are also coming in with there initiative too to engage sports lovers at home, from the inclusion of Esport to stay at home game that are all centred around Sport.

They've decided to categories it into three section.

  1. Kids
  2. Active
  3. Rewind
  4. Unwind.

All these is meant to get you engage in one way or the other to your favorite sport channels.

They also have in plan to bring in star players across many field to entertain guest.


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