Stop investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum break this circle of monopoly

I think monopoly of Bitcoin and ethereum created by there large supply holders are not good for cryptocurrency space, price of all other cryptocurrency coins and tokens should not stay dependent on Bitcoin and ethereum,price of every cryptocurrency coin and token
Should move independently
I know nobody like these words '' stop investing In Bitcoin and Ethereum'' because mostly people invested in Bitcoin and ethereum they wished Bitcoin and ethereum must go to moon Mostly we read on social media people incurging others to invest in Bitcoin, and they said don't miss this opportunity before its goes to above 100K, I think it's the main reason which creates and promote FOMO



We should take a look on both sides of the picture, every thing have its limitations Bitcoin also have some limitations
, Bitcoin and ethereum is not the solution of every problem on the earth, I know both are based on very unique and revolutionary blockchain technology but still both are not more then codes and figures on internet


In real life when someone charge us more price than the fare and real price of something we starts complaining and becomes engry with him, but in cryptocurrency space we are agree to invest over life savings and don't even think about it what should be the real value of given cryptocurrency coin and token

We have hundreds of other cryptocurrency and blockchain projects to explore I am sure many of them are better than the ethereum and Bitcoin, I also wish Bitcoin and ethereum stay there and grow but I don't like pump and dump or monopoly of any cryptocurrency and blockchain

I think Bitcoin fare price is a between 10k to 20k and ethereum 2k to 5k, every single dollar above that is due to hype and influence of top players, Bitcoin and ethereum are no longer decentralized and driven by normal individuals, currently both Bitcoin and ethereum price are totally dependent on institutions and people who have billions to invest like Elon musk, they are no longer community driven projects, decentralized means fare distribution but Bitcoin and ethereum are out of the range of a normal person only millionaire and billionaire are purchasing and holding both assets



I think it's still possible Bitcoin and ethereum price can go down to 100 dollars per coin a single incident can trigger this, in future I think many projects will become papular as well, when more and more people realize and starts researching about fundamental and technical aspects of the project before investing, only functionality strong projects can stay in the market, 90% coins and tokens will be wiped out from the market only 10% fundamentally solid projects with real use cases are stay there, Bitcoin and ethereum are totally overhyped and overvalued both will definitely go down in next 5 to 10 years when investors become mature to understand everything

That's why I love to use hive blockchain constantly and investing my money and time into it, because it's not overhyped it's totally community driven blockchain project and 100% decentralized, hive have potential to replace Bitcoin and ethereum in my personal opinion, many other projects are also getting papular and valuable for example Cardano is only one position away from ethereum and 2 positions away from Bitcoin to replace them, and many other projects on the way including hive to replace ethereum and Bitcoin


Whole cryptocurrency market should not stay dependent on Bitcoin and ethereum, we should think out of the box, ten years are enough for Bitcoin and ethereum monopoly , now we should break this trend its good for whole cryptocurrency space let's do it now

Let's see what happens Its my suggestion to everyone stop worshipping Bitcoin and ethereum, explore other options also, over life should not dependent on Bitcoin and ethereum we should have always a better alternative because any thing can happen in future its so young and volatile market nobody can predict it accurately

Thanks for reading 🤝🏼



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