Building an underground clearing office by reinforcing the situation from November 1951
At first worked for crew companies
Limited scope underground design to shield troops and battle hardware from cannons and air assault
Forefront territory line of guard
Two lines of safeguard were set up on the bleeding edge before the finish of 1951
First safeguard
5-12km from shear to digression line
second safeguard line
10-40km away from the digression line
The longitudinal focus of 2-4km from front finish to Dami-myeon-Icheon-myeon-Sephori-Hwacheon-ri
The premise of the line of protection is the base framework, and the second line of safeguard is introduced in singular activity regions.
Seaside line of safeguard
Building two safeguard lines on the west coast
First guard
Cheongcheon River Estuary, Nampo Coastal Area 10km whdtla
second guard line
Shear, the line from Sunan-Pyongyang-Hwangju
Foundation of a different base (territory with high landing potential)
From Nampo to Haeju along the coast
From Cheongcheon River Estuary to Cheolsan
Establishment of protection structures in the securing line of Haeju and Cheongseokdu-ri
East coast
Principally settled areas in Wonsan and Hamheung, the normal arrival focuses
Protective base framework is set up with alert of 15-20km
Protective missions: Established by anticipated exercises
On the off chance that the adversary assaults on the cutting edge
The first Army Corps of the Chinese Army and the second, third, and first People's Army Corps solidly protect their positions.
Survey unit activity when a foe penetrates
The 38th and 40th corps made a beeline for Namchon, Chunhwa
The fifteenth and 60th Corps will be situated in the middle or left half of the forefront toward Icheon-myeon, contingent upon the future circumstance.
twentieth Corps, Pyeonggang along the railroad
The 67th Corps was placed toward Venus
If there should be an occurrence of enormous scope arriving in the Wonsan space of Nampo while the foe action in the front territory is powerless
The first Army Corps and the second, third and first People's Army powers repulsed endeavors to penetrate the line of guard.
fifteenth and 60th Corps advance toward Hwangju Strengthen the force of the west drift and repulse foes on the western side of the securing line associating Anju, Pyongyang, and Chunhwa with an organized assault
East coast
Shield the involved situation until the circumstance on the west coast turns out to be clear,
1 corps supported from units in the East Sea
Supported soldiers with the second Emperor's Legion and Reserves to immovably guard the involved securing line