#Club5050 The Last Broadcast (1998) Review + FilmsteemCreated with Sketch.

Rating: 4/5
AKA: Jim’s Psychic IRC Chat
Watch Here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5IgJB3b6tzGa/


"There goes the little tyrant!"

Before YouTube, there was Public Access Television! A medium that served as platform for local nut jobs and really, really shitty shows.

Those programs were glorious, and it is something sorely missed by us here at the review crew.
YouTube feels like a poor mans substitute...which is ironic as public access tv was a poor mans alternative to basic cable!

Last Broadcast does a great job of letting you see firsthand what some of those shows were like.

However, to be honest, since the folks who made this film put quite a bit of effort into their product, it can easily fool the viewer in to thinking the “Fact or Fiction?” show was the standard of what public access was like back in the day.

FAR from it and perhaps we’ll do random deep dives in certain examples from the period later, but for now let’s get to the one major comparison that everyone brings up about this movie.

Last Broadcast Vs. Blair Witch


People compare Last Broadcast with Blair Witch quite regularly, because of a few things. Both were “Found Footage” type documentaries released close together.

Though Blair Witch suffered the stigmatism of fan backlash early on in its life, which carried over to other movies in the same ilk for a long time.

I get so sick of people who feel like they have inside information that the Blair Witch is a work of fiction:

“Yeah, but it ain’t real hyuk, hyuk”

Is usually the first crappy thing you hear or see people say about the classic Blair Witch Project. No shit pleb, sounds like you bought in and have buyers’ remorse for feeling duped.

As you get older you learn that stupid people really hate the feeling of being duped as they see it as an impossibility, because “they’re so smart”.

Dumb Fucks.

To play devil’s advocate, this is mainly due to how well the original movie and its tie in materials effectively bedazzled the audience by lulling in them in and suspending their disbelief.

That’s what entertainment is supposed to when telling stories of the supernatural.

The other lesser-known comparison that folks like to tout, was a lawsuit that stemmed between the filmmakers of Last Broadcast and Blair Witch.

Both were released nearly the same time as we said earlier,so certain parties (I forget which side) felt one side was plagiarizing the other?

Not sure of the specifics but that’s the gist of how these movies intersected and get compared.

They're both "fake documentaries".

Oh well fuck it, doesn’t matter just wanted to throw some shit at the front of this as an introduction because we don’t want to spoil the movie and we need to add filler ;).


Hosts of a struggling public access TV show dabbling in the paranormal & bizarre, decide to hunt for the Jersey Devil in a last-ditch effort to keep the show alive.

The live broadcast would be cut short and the bodies of everyone involved were found the next day. The only survivor Jim Seward, a psychic is the prime suspect.

The documentary explores the aftermath of the hosts bodies being found and subsequent investigation trying to piece together what actually happened during the aptly named Last Broadcast.

It’s really a great mystery film using found footage as it’s vehicle to tell it.


“I can pinpoint that location”

Look we’re going to skip all the bullshit like we do when we really want you to watch a film. If’ you’ve never seen it, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Elaborating on all of the reasons why we say that, would merely be a broad stroke attempt which might inadvertently spoil your first-time viewing experience.

Trust me bitch, watch it.


MRHELLBOX – If you actually take the time and invest in a good, uninterrupted viewing of this film, you will understand why we didn’t give it a perfect score. It is however, one of the greatest found footage movies of all time. If you’re going to do it, here’s your template pleb. – 4/5

DRUNKEN MASTER – That bitch knows how to spin VCR tapes like godman Vinyl, I’d fuck her. – 4/5

PRINCE PECTORALS – Detective Rosi is a straight up bitch and I’d wreck his fucking head against a brick wall if he tried to pin any “crimes” on me. Oh and the movie is dope! – 4/5


All pictures were captured from original source by this blog.

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