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RE: Darthknight = blocktrades = alpha = ... so on.

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto4 years ago (edited)

You seem hell bent on seeing this place burn down. Ok. But then why are you so worried about whats happening around here? Isnt it "good" for you that shit is going down the toilet? I find it amusing that all of you keep coming back to post, downvote, milk the system etc. why not just agree to disagree and move on?

I dont see a lot of steem users doing the same on the hive network. Serious question.



You seem hell bent on seeing this place burn down.

It's actually recorded in several places on this chain that I'm not interested in seeing this place burn down. I would actually prefer to see people show some integrity but that hasn't been happening and watching them burn it down with irrational decisions and more posts like the one above has been hard on me. Just because I don't agree with what's happening around here does not mean I'm trying to burn the place down. I would prefer to be a fire extinguisher, but more often than not, someone like you comes along to shove me away.

Why would you assume I think this is 'good' when I worked hard here for many years and now I'm watching it all fall apart. I had nothing to do with any of the decisions that led to this conversation now.

all of you keep coming back to post, downvote, milk the system etc. why not just agree to disagree and move on?

How can I agree with that statement? "All of you." What kind of nationlistic nonsense is that? Do you see me posting? Do you see me milking? Do you see me downvoting? If you're talking to me, talk to me, don't simply label me as trash and throw me out the door due to the actions of a few.

I dont see a lot of steem users doing the same on the hive network. Serious question.

Where's the question? Are you asking me what you see? I do not have your perspective, only my own. You're more than welcome on Hive. I keep noticing I'm not welcome on Steem. Why is that? Specifically explain with good reasons why I am not welcome here.

why is that hard for witnesses to tell us what is the threat to steem blockchain?
why they don't inform users and investors of steem what is going on that could endanger their coins and this blockchain?
don't you think users deserve to know what is the threat that could endanger their funds?
You are saying old witnesses are bad, they only care about themselves... and i did not see one post from this new witnesses telling users what is going on. so how are they different from the old ones?

@glory7 spend half of the day investigating whos funds he frozen and making diagrams and charts, bragging about it (like he did some kind of heroic act and not freezing private funds), but he did not spend 10 minutes to explain to users what is going on on the chain.

Keep being the light... we need you!!! Those sewer rats are trying to twist the truth.

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