22.8888 업데이트를 지켜보며.

한국시간으로 오늘(4/4) 오전 11시에 공지문이 나갔고, 이후 소프트포크가 이루어졌습니다.

소프트포크가 있었는지도 모르게 스무스하게 잘 지나갔고, 몇 시간이 지난 지금도 안정적으로 돌아가고 있지요.

현재 업데이트중인 증인들도 있어서, 아마 내일까지 정도면 더 다양한 메인 증인들을 볼 수 있지 않을가 합니다.

일단 오늘 수고해주신 분들께 이 글을 빌어 다시 한번 감사드립니다. 개발자가 아닌 저로서는 거의 도움이 안되어서 그냥 응원만 한 격이 되었네요.

  • 소프트포크의 내용과 임팩트 등은 다른 분들이 잘 설명해주실듯하니 넘어가고...

이번 포크의 의미는 크게 다음의 2가지라고 봅니다.

  1. 하이브측에 우리가 가만히 있지 않을 것이라는 시그널을 준 것

  2. 구증인들의 주장, 아니 추측, 아마 억측, 과는 달리 한국팀을 포함한 신 증인들이 무난하게 소프트포크를 해내는 능력을 보여준 것

이제 시작입니다. 가능하면 win-win 할 수 있는 방향을 찾아봐야겠죠.


Can you reference the posts or others that you feel have given good reasons and explanations for the 22.8888 SF?

Looking at it myself, the list of accounts (including one that I own) looks very arbitrarily picked and not representative of the dispute taking place. The post also did not lay out the conditions for which these were selected.

Who are the practical points of contacts here?

The official post is up and I hope that would explain most(if not all) of your questions.

I believe that this situation is pretty similar to the hive exclusion list event - as you wrote, it is difficult to find who is/are the practical points of contact. Also, in both cases the performing parties argue that the lists are produced by "purely mechanical, decided by objective rules".

While I am not the one who may speak of the 8888, I do understand your frustration (been there, basically). Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you (please dm me on discord).

"the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain."
so this was just a joke?

Please cite the source, as it seems that you confuse my team with someone else. I am a member of @dev.supporters and this is what we wrote: https://steemit.com/witness-category/@dev.supporters/witness-dev-supporters-your-witness-for-the-steem-community-and-developers

so we can all expect that if justins team writes a code that is taking all the steem from users you will just run it?

Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. Starting from the first reply, it seems that you simply state something based on your imagination.

i will try to explain and you tell me if i am wrong.
you are part of dev.supporters witness that is currently running 0.22.8888?
the fork that you are running is freezing stake of steem users (i hope you know that).
now there are 2 possibilities. you have no idea what is in the code you are running, or you think it is ok to take steem from steem users.
we seen that justin cares only about his steem, and now i am interested do witnesses care about users?

주말에도 고생이 많으십니다.

이제 시작입니다. 가능하면 win-win 할 수 있는 방향을 찾아봐야겠



@glory7 님 증인활동 응원합니다. 실리콘밸리에서 일하는 개발자입니다. 저도 증인노드 도전해보고 싶은데 셋업정보가 어디에 있나요? 고맙습니다.

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