한글 제목 금지 & 사진 업로드 금지

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며칠 전부터 포스팅 작성 시 에러가 나기 시작하였습니다.

왜 그런가 봤더니 한글로 포스팅 제목을 작성하면 안되는 것이었더라구요 -_-

그리고 또 다시 며칠 후...

하이브에서 사진이 안 올라가기 시작했습니다.

에러인가 싶어서 여러번 시도했더니 그건 아닌 거 같고 하이브에서 막았다는 -_-

일단 명백하게 하이브 측에서 한국인 유저를 배척하는 것 같은데,

참 대다난 수준이다 싶습니다.

까면 깔수록 흥미로운 하이브입니다.

그렇다고 하이브에서 글을 안 쓴다는 건 아닙니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


오늘 잘 올라가던데요!! ㅎㅎ 피빨아 묵자~~~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ

즐몬하세요 ^^

어쩐지 ㅋㅋㅋ
어제 안 올라 가길래
더 대충대충~~~ 포스팅 했네요
자꾸 막히면 이젠 1분내 막가 포스팅으로
바뀔수도... 중국말로 하던지 ㅋ

복붙 또는 1분내로 ㅋ

Hive isn't rejecting Korean users, despite some rumors.

You were likely using a character that wasn't recognized. If you know what character it was I can check to see what went wrong.

Images have been having problems across Hive for everyone.

Hive did selective airdropping. That is a rejecting.

That had nothing to do with nationality. Just if a person was against the purpose of Hive and wanted to hurt it.

All accounts on Hive can do the same thing, there are no limits on any.

Who decides who's against the purpose of Hive? I also have an account Hive, but I had no chance to participate in the decision. A handful of Central Committee members of Hive decided the exclusion. That's what I know.

Hive was formed because of the centralization of the witnesses on Steem. People who helped centralize those witnesses on Steem by voting for them were fighting against the purpose of Hive, so everyone who voted for 2+ sock puppet witnesses on Steem with more then 1000sp was excluded. A script was used to exclude them, no favoritism or enmity was shown.

I won't argue on your belief from now on. At least Korean witnesses were not sock puppets of Tron owner, but oligarchs of Hive misjudge Korean witnesses as sockpuppets. Also, some Hive supporters are still abusing on Steem. It's like a "if you're not with Hive, then you're my enemy" thing.

Only one person on Steem decides who can be witnesses, and he only allows people that do what he says. You can ask @blockbrothers what happened when they wouldn't break their promises like many of the other witnesses did.

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