ETH PoS, 중앙화 우려

이더리움의 공동 설립자인 앤서니 디 이오리오(Anthony Di Iorio)가 29일 킷코 뉴스(Kitco News)와의 인터뷰에서 지분증명(PoS)의 중앙집중화 위험이 우려된다고 말했습니다.

"현재 두 개 주소의 밸리데이팅(검증) 점유율이 거의 50%를 차지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. <...> 거래소처럼 엔티티가 많은 힘을 가지고 있다면 검증이 위험할 수 있고, 그렇다면 이는 완벽한 시스템이 아니다. 생각지도 못한 결과나 위험이 나타날 수 있다."

"분산 네트워크에 필요한 것은 강력한 노드다. 우리는 많은 사람들이 노드에 참여해 생태계 강화에 도움을 주기를 희망한다. 소수만 참여할 수록 네트워크는 점점 중앙화될 수밖에 없다."

Ethereum co-founder Anthony Di Iorio has raised concerns regarding the dominance of few holders on the Ethereum network, noting that at the moment, PoS does not seem to be the perfect system, he said during an interview with Kitco News on September 29.

“I’m concerned with the centralization risks of proof-of-stake. I think right now, it’s been shown that there are only two addresses that are accounting for almost 50% of all validating. <…> I’m concerned with entities such as exchanges that are having a lot of the strength and the validating that’s going on right now, so it’s not a perfect system, and who knows, there could be things that come out that weren’t thought about that might lead to bigger risks,” Iorio said.

“What you want with decentralized networks is robust nodes; you want many, someone that’s running a technology people do anywhere in the world to participate and help strengthen the ecosystem to be rewarded for doing so. but it doesn’t help when you only have a few, and it becomes more and more centralized​,” he added.

Ethereum co-founder raises concerns over ETH’s centralization post-Merge

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