How to mine DodgecoinsteemCreated with Sketch.

all right boys, dogecoin wall street bets all you newbies coming in telling me. How do i mine dogecoin? How do i mine dogecoin on my computer, you don't. It's stupid, but for the memes we're gonna.

Do it? Okay, all right! So here's, your how to mine, dogecoin, go and hop in the wayback machine. I'm gonna show you how to mine dogecoin on your cpu guess what you probably won't find any blocks. Probably won't make any dogecoin, but if you want to play the bet play the lotto make some doge your nose.

I guess this is the video for you. You ready all right. So first things. First, you're gonna need a place to exchange doge. All right. Look here's the deal. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something: real, quick: there's, like maybe one exchange that you can pair with usd that you can log on to from the us all right.

Also, i don't care. If you have your key private keys for doge, it's doge, you're gonna mine. It sell it um yeah! So here's. The deal no coin base. Really you can't really buy doge over there. You can buy it on a couple.

Other exchanges you can't, do it on So all these are ones that you can like actually get usd out and put it. You know into your account, so you have to use something else, and this is yo bit a little leva.

I can't. Even i can't even keep it straight for face with you guys. So we're gonna use yobit because you it's, legal to use in the u.s, and you can swap the doge for bitcoin and then send that to you know your crypto.

com wallet so sign up for down in the Description below your goal is going to be mining doge, taking a chance dumping it out and swapping it selling it here for some bitcoin or eth, and then shooting that off to get the money off of it all right.

That's, going to be your goal. There's, some other options bit tricks, but you know there's finance but binance for the u.s doesn't work and and uh bittrex doesn't work for me anymore, because i have a texas address.

So you know welcome to mining dogecoin. So, first of all, you're, just going to go ahead and uh register for the yo bit. Luckily, like this one's, pretty easy because they don't make you confirm any addresses, usually i think maybe they do later.

But whatever i don't know, so you're, just gonna basically put in all your information to create an account. Go through the you know the captchas for yobit, because we need an address. I guess those don't count as bicycles.

Do they can & # 39? T really tell i'm terrible at these. Yes, we did it. We got it right. Um. Your login should not be less than five symbols, so t done. Never save it all right, so now we can go ahead and log in uh.

What do we use that one that works? I'm, not a robot log in oh dang. We we do have to verify our email account kind of a biscuit. Well, let me go verify it. Real quick bam done, so you do have to verify.

I was incorrect. It's been a while so verify your account. Do the captures get them incorrect? Like me, i don't know something like that. Yep and then watch this video and get your 1700 free dollars that's.

A lot you won't, get anything don't. Do it? Okay, you do get something, but you got to sign up for telegram and it's, not 1700. Okay, all right! Listen to me! It's, not seventeen hundred dollars. Also don't.

Keep any crypto in this exchange. [ Laughter ], all right, so next you need to put you need to get your wallet dressed. So you're gonna go over here. You hit wallets, you go down the doge. We're gonna find some doge here.

We're gonna hit that wallet address. We need for our sweet, sweet mining. We're, going to open up a notepad here, just you know, throw it in notepad for later save it for later. So now we can essentially come into yobit bam in exchange our mind, dogecoin.

Okay, next thing, the pool, the only pool that you should really be mining to, unfortunately, is a aka pool. I prefer zerg pool because it's anonymous, but it doesn't work really well, okay, this one actually kind of works for dogecoin, so there you go all right, so you have to sign up.

I hate signing up for pools. That's. Why? I don't like this pool, but you're gonna click, the sign up button, okay and we're. Just gonna do a little a little password and a little usernames and we '

Ll use the same burner, email here all right and then you'll pick a four digit pin click accept register. This is the one that doesn't allow doesn't make you do all that ridiculousness, okay, you don't have to verify an email or anything.

If you forget your password, you have to recover it that way, but so we're in our account. You need to go to my workers and then we need to add a new worker. We're just going to use the example. So user, so it's going to be sodi.

user and our password is going to be password. Okay, okey doke, easy, peasy, lemon squeezy. Next thing we're going to do is download. Easyminer link will be down in the description for you guys. So you know we're.

Just gonna come in here and download easy miner setup being careful not to click any of the crazy stuff you may have to approve it. It may get blocked. I recommend uh, you know turning off your antivirus, we're already in a meme coin, so you know come in here and turn that off easy, minder, doesn't usually get flagged, though, but sometimes the miners that it installs gets flagged.

All right, so we're, gonna, say: yeah go ahead and download everything sure install it. We're, just going to finish that up it's, going to start it and we're going to say. Ok and enter accept that terms of license.

We're just going to let it go through and we're just going to skip and exit this all right. So here's, easy miner and the setup is pretty simple. So you're, going to go ahead and click the setup button, and then we are going to come down here.

Clumb down here we're, going to come down here and click load configuration we're, going to highlight the doge example.ini. We're, going to open it up. Ah, i hate it when it does that skip and exit that again.

If it opens up again and let's, see if it did it yep. So now we have our information. It loaded in as a cpu miner make sure it set the script script. This is all correct. The gpu is incorrect. The gpu miner really won't work on the newer drivers for windows per script, so you have to load an older amd and nvidia driver to make it work.

I don't, know exactly which one it is. We have a 6800. This video is purely for cpu mining, though at this time, so we're, really just worried about these settings right here. So if you remember back over here at our pool, we created our user and our password.

So we are just going to essentially type in our user, which is sony, dot user and then our password is password and then we have our stratum and our port. We're, going to go ahead and save this configuration as doge.

We're, going to save it. Okay, so now everything's set up you can you know if you're on an older one, just copy this stuff over to this, the gpu, and if you're on an older driver, check, bitcoin talk for whichever Driver that needs to be it'll load it up.

I know that the latest amd drivers won't work, so you can copy it over if you want really not a big deal. So once you're done with that, you're just going to click the x button. It's, going to load you back into here and then you're, going to click the start mining button.

At this point we'll, probably get a failure on the gpu yep, but we will get the cpu. You'll have to allow it through your firewall and ta-da. We are now mining dogecoin. We did it, we did it, we did it is that the mca, probably all right, i'll - show you guys how to get your your money out.

All right, you ready so when you guys have been mining long enough. If you ever got lucky enough to get a block, if you're logged into a ico pool, you hit this earnings button right here. Eventually it'll open it's, really slow and uh.

You'll, see we don't. We didn't make anything, but you know it's. Okay, it's; okay! Well, maybe we ' Ll make something later all right. So to get your money out, you just want to hit the edit account button come down here and your payment address is going to be the address we copied to the notepad.

Remember from yobit we're gonna just paste it in here. You can set the threshold between three and a thousand keeping in mind. The autopay will take out two doge fee, so you don ' T really want to set it to two, so that would you lose a lot of doge.

That way, i recommend just not doing anything as far as auto just leave it to zero, and then you can scroll down here and it'll. Tell you what your your doge account balances and when the when you have account balance or whatever you can just paste, essentially paste your address into here and then type in your four digit.

Pin that you created when you created the account and click the cash out button at that point, it will appear in your doge wallet over here and then you will essentially just go into the trade and then you'll find doge over here.

In the market, and then you'll select the doge and then you ' Ll sell the doge, so the balance will show up here and you ' Ll click. The sell button and you'll, sell that doge and then you'll.

Take that usd and transfer it to your account, if you verified your account, but what i would do is, i would pair it with like btc like this see. If we can get c btc and i'd - sell it for btc, then i'd.

Go back to my wallets and then i'd, find my btc and then i'd. Withdraw that stuff, as fast as i could hit this withdrawal button and send it to my coinbase or private wallet or you know whatever, so that's, it i feel, like we just went back to 2012.

, ah probably more, like 2014. anyways. That's. How you mine, dogecoin on cpu, using easy minor on windows 10., enjoy. I'll, see you next tuesday.

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