Mystery of The Crypto World! Secrets of Crypto!steemCreated with Sketch.


On January the third 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto launched the first block in the blockchain or Bitcoin , which is the most important and mysterious block in the Blockchain.

It is said that the global financial system before that date is never the same as after it.

Well, it is known that any type of series has a beginning ,this starting block is called the Genesis Block or Block 0 and it is the first in the chain of blocks which means that any other block all along the blockchain is linked to this block by extension They are pretty similar to us as humans. Any one of us traces back to Adam (PBUH) the same idea here, any block lineage or first origin goes back to the block of genesis

So.., how far has the blockchain or the Bitcoin block chain reached?

Well, since Satoshi launched the first block till the minute..the chain has reached 738,320 blocks.

Why am I clearly stating the number up to the current minute?

Because every 10 minutes approximately there is a new block added to the blockchain, I will focus on block zero.

On the same day the formation block was released to the world, which is the beginning of 2009 the paper issue of the British newspaper ‘The Times’ published a significant article discussing the failure of the financial systems all over the world and the ongoing drastic consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008 ,the article was also covering the banks and institutions that the British government intervened to save from bankruptcy.

Our main concern is the main title of the article Chancellor on brink of second bailout for" banks" [The Times 03/Jan/2009] It means that the British Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time Alistair Darling will probably have to intervene again to save the banks from bankruptcy.

What does this story have to do with the Genesis block that Satoshi launched at the same time?

If we look into the code of the block in front of you, we will find that the same title of the article, its date and the name of the newspaper clearly in the form in front of you. Satoshi often wanted to leave a message to remind the whole world of the goal behind creating Bitcoin, which is to address the imbalance in the global financial system, in his opinion, that caused a global financial crisis that cost the global economy trillions of dollars What is strange about that block is, unlike more than 735,000 blocks published later after that in the Bitcoin blockchain, it is the only block containing a word or phrase.

More bizarre is the timing itself, which remains a mystery till now How can be the timing, when Satoshi issued the first block, the same 'The Times' article [containing the address written in the block's code] was published.

Therefore, the Saturday, January 3, 2009 issue of The Times newspaper is considered a very special issue. only about 8 copies were found. The price of one copy currently exceeds one million dollars Another puzzle in the genesis block that Satoshi Nakamoto mined is the reward for mining that block itself, which was 50 bitcoins, but those 50 bitcoins are never spendable, which is more puzzling.

Why did Satoshi leave those 50 bitcoins inside the block and they can't be traded or sold?

Some say that he/she may have done this by mistake. But! how can someone be able to build this complex system and still make such naive mistakes
Therefore, a more logical explanation is that he deliberately left the fifty unspendable bitcoin for a purpose What is that purpose? No one Knows One of the puzzles related to the Genesis block or the Zero block is that the next block, which is block No. 1 Satoshi mined, was released 6 days later, on January 9.

This is strange because the average time gap between blocks is 10 minutes, so why did Satoshi's second block in the series come after 6 Exact days? Some say that Satoshi was still testing the Bitcoin network to make sure it is stable However, another religious theory emerged, as usual, it says that he/she deliberately mined the second block in 6 days hinting to the Genesis Book in the old testament mentioning that the Lord created the earth in 6 days.

This review was briefly covering some strange puzzles related to the Genesis block that Satoshi Nakamoto mined.

I hope that you learn something from this post
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