My Leisure Time

in Steem Lifestyle3 years ago

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Leisure is like an escape from work or important stuff. Everybody has a time of inactivity in their day for relaxation when they are free. Different people do different things at their leisure times. Here’s what I do at my leisure time.

During my leisure time, I normally hang out with friends. We talk about a lot of things during our hangouts, mostly about girls, school, money and football. We share relationship experience, school moments, innovative ways to make money and more. We meetup normally in the early evening around 5pm Ghana time around our spot in the market. Sometimes when we meet, we play games like ludo whiles we talk. We argue when the conversation gets heated. When there's a hot football match we go watch together.




When I’m all up in my feelings, the best way I spend my leisure is watching movies. Movies kind of serve as an escape-from-reality for me and so it takes my mind off everything stressful in my life and helps me relax. The movie I pick to watch generally depends on what I’m feeling(my mood). When I want to feel happy, I watch movies based on love stories with good endings or high school movies with a lot of partying and fun like Project X. When I’m numb and I want to feel to feel something, I watch movies like The Wedding Year. I watch All The Bright Places-related movies when I feel like I am weird and don’t fit in anywhere. I mostly watch movies alone in my room or with another friend at their place. I spend like 15% of my leisure time watching movies.




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I think it’s fair to say everybody spends a few minutes on social media everyday when they are free. People do steeming, whatsapping, facebooking, tweeting and others when they have free time away from work or some responsibilities. Well I am no different. I go on social media for news, to check on what friends are doing and to look for memes, movies and to have fun. On , I check for contests and contents that interest me and I participate. I haven’t seen lot of meme postings on steemit and I’m starting to wonder if people here don’t know them😅. I would say social media takes 60% of my leisure time to be honest.

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I read books about my favorite movies on Kindle mobile app at my leisure to get some more insight and to have the freedom to create characters how I want them because I’m using the power of my imagination. I also enjoy reading to build my vocabulary and to mind-travel. I have read the AFTER books about the story of Hardin and Tessa; AFTER WE COLLIDED and AFTER WE FELL. I just started A Song Of Ice and Fire, a Game of Thrones-based book.

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Some people believe boys drop the video-gaming obsession when they grow up. They clearly should meet more people like me. Although we don’t do video-gaming as regularly as movie watching, my boys and I(The Boys) play video-games at out leisure times once a while. As sports lovers, Fifa is our favorite video-game although we play others like God of War. We play championships with controllers on a PES 3 or on our Laptops sometimes. To spice it up, we throw in a little money for the champion.


At my leisure when I’m tired, a good nap is what invest my leisure time in. It is expected that after hours of work, we give ourself and our brain a break and the best way to do that when you’re tired is taking a nap.

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