My School Life / Written By @uzoma24 (Powered up to 💯)steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Lifestyle3 years ago
Hello friends all over the world, Trust you are doing fine. Am glad to be part of this contest by When I saw it,it really caught my attention and I decided to participate to share with you my my experiences in school starting from when I went to secondary school till my University days. [Source](

My School Life
On this topic, I will dwell both on my secondary School days and my days in the tetiary institution, please stay with me.

Secondary School
My secondary school days were spent within the walls of St. Peter's Seminary, Okigwe, Imo State Nigeria. The school is a Catholic owned school (a junior seminary) where priests are trained. It is a body school. It is with nostalgia that I recall all the memories from there. (Good and Bad)

Good Memories
I had some beautiful memories which includes, days we had free days to go out of the compound, quality time spent with friends like the times we spent playing football and the times my parents visited me.

Bad Memories
These days included the days when we were mercilessly flogged and punished for one offence or another, expecially when I actually did nothing to deserve been flogged. The days I felt hunger.

Nevertheless, the bad and good time coupled with the sound learning was part of the training that helped mold our minds to become whom we are today in the society for which we are ever grateful.
Our School Sign Board

Days In the Tetiary Institution
The most amazing moments of my "school life" was leaving alone with the will to do anything i wanted, go to anywhere and return home at any time I so want without anyone to question my actions.
Perhaps, I was very mindful of poor academic performance and the morals and training I already had was still there to help check my excesses.

While in school, my academics was the thing that mattered to me most. This was because that was the primary reason why I was in school and at the end of my school years, a result will only show a true and fair view of how serious I was with my studies the years I spent in school so with this in mind, I didn't play with my studies.
I always attended classes, did my assignments and God by my side, I did well at the end of the day.

With friends during a lecture free hour

Spiritual and Social Life
School life wouldn't be complete without the two aspects.
I was a member of a Catholic community known as NFCS. (Nigerian Federation Of Catholic Students) and I participated in all their activities.
Socially, I was a member of drama group in the church, which helped me socialize and make more friends.
Moreso on socials, we attended birthday parties, went to club, beach and traveled for picnics a number of times. These times were all fun and very memorable.

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With course mates after an examination

Politically, at our third year, I aspired to be the departmental president but didn't make it out of the primaries.
I had to support a friend who also failed.
He failed because He didn't have the blessings of the HOD (Head Of Department) who was in support of another candidate.

With a friend, after a lecture just before travelling

The frIends I made in school have been very helpful all these years after we left school.
I learnt about the first job I did through a friend I met in school.
Even now that I am a tailor, they have continued to patronize me.
With friends, On Project Defence Day

On Project Defence Day

There are lots of Beautiful memories from school, but this is the much I can share for the purposes of this contest. Thank you for reading.
May God Bless You.


Nice post keep it up. I discovered that you are a student of st- Peter serminary school okigwe, imo state,and also a member of Nigeria federation of Catholic student. You really enjoyed your school days.

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