
Users are now creating a lot of good quality posts in our community. So we decided that from now on we will continue the Top 5 Posts Selection and Daily Curation Report that we are creating every day. We strive to provide maximum support to each and every member of our community from this community account. We hope you will visit our community at least once a day and support us as much as possible. We promise we can give you a good community gift through this.

Best Regards

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our community now has 12,333 steem power that we have been able to achieve in a very short period of time. Our community has reached 12k SP with 300 steem power ups a while ago. And now the community has its own power in 2000. We are working towards the goal of increasing the power of our community. We hope to see success soon. We look forward to your continued support as soon as possible. We are selecting five quality posts every day and we are giving a report of the posts we curation from the community. Through which the activity of our community is increasing day by day. We currently have 632 subscribers and 139 active members in our community. I hope you will do your best to help our community move forward. And guide us to achieve our goals. We hope that you will support our quality posts every day so that users will be more interested in creating good quality posts.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our community now has 12,333 steem power that we have been able to achieve in a very short period of time. Our community has reached 12,389 SP . And now the community has its own power in 2000 +. We are working towards the goal of increasing the power of our community. We hope to see success soon. We look forward to your continued support as soon as possible. We are selecting five quality posts every day and we are giving a report of the posts we curation from the community. Through which the activity of our community is increasing day by day. We currently have 649 subscribers and 89 active members in our community. I hope you will do your best to help our community move forward. And guide us to achieve our goals. We hope that you will support our quality posts every day so that users will be more interested in creating good quality posts.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66989.78
ETH 3524.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69