Part :02 & last The Golden Compass (2007) Explained in English 🎬🎬

in Steem Lifestyle3 years ago


My Dear Steemians,

Today I will explained the rest of the movie (The Golden Compass (2007) ). If you haven't read the previous part, you can read it by clicking on this link

Ok then....
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One day, "Lyra" moves to the same aristocratic woman. She asks that lady, What is "Dust"? That woman tells, I myself don't know, You may tell. "Lyra" tells, I know nothing! Then that woman begins to ask more questions from her. But "Lyra" had no answer of them. That aristocratic woman orders its companion animal, Hit her! And it pounces Lyra's companion animal". As a result "Lyra" gets worried. "Lyra" had predicted that something wrong is going to happen. She moves to that lady's secret room where she comes to know that, There is gang about which this woman has a knowledge. And it is abducting the kids. But woman glimpses "Lyra" when she is coming out of her room. And she attempts to snatch her golden compass. But "Lyra" companion animal flies outside with that compass ,taking the form of bird. And "Lyra" also goes after it. Some men of that woman capture "Lyra" there. But another woman rescues her, reaching there. Who was at the college along with her . She is very nice woman. She tells that a ship is sailing to search for those missing kids. It is sailing to the same place where your uncle has gone. And that ship belongs to "Egyptian". "Lyra" also gets in that ship. And there are some seated people there. "Lyra" shows that compass to a man in a ship who is talented one. That man clears , No one can understand that language written on this compass except some specialists. Then ""Lyra"" tells him, But I can read it uncle! All are left astonished, hearing it. And "Lyra" starts reading the language. Then she comes to know where are those abducted kids. She is still telling all. On the other side, That aristocratic lady sends the spy flies which begin to detect her. And that spy fly also directly assaults "Lyra" and his companion animal. But the presented people catch one of the spy flies while second one is flown away. "Lyra" is sitting on the ship . Then a pretty witch appears there. That witch tells "Lyra" that kids have been taken to such a place, Where they are being kept under experiments. She defines her the complete location. And the reason of these experiments is to check as they may live without their daemons or not.
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There is also astronaut on the ship with whom she is befriended. He tells, we have ice bear. Will you like to meet it? "Lyra" says, It is not good act that you have imprisoned a bear. That bear tells, I am not imprisoned. I had a specific "Armour". But it was grabbed by some enemies. The interesting fact was that bear could also speak. It was too talented. "Lyra" says to the bear, Don't be upset bear! I will know about it through this compass , Where is your "Armour"? Then "Lyra" gets to know where it has been placed. The bear puts it on and gratifies "Lyra" for many times. Bear says to "Lyra", I will serve you until I survive! Now you are my leader. A lovely little leader! Now all go together to that place of the experiments. At last, they reach there. What is it? All are left astonished. That the chief of that place s not anyone but the priest of the same church. They begin to attack them. But bear takes "Lyra" away. Heavy snow is falling there. And "Lyra" notices her friend at the same place. Who was going to die in the ice. And his animal companion was also not with him. His condition began to worsen when his companion animal went far from him.
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"Lyra" feels very bad and she brings him on her ship crew. That woman was the mother of "Lyra's friend who had rescued her. She gratifies "Lyra", meeting each other. But the enemies again assault them. They abduct "Lyra". They take her to the king of bear. Who had separated that ice bear from them. Whose armour had lost. The same ice bear who was the friend of "Lyra" now. They ask "Lyra", What is your justification? Introduce yourself! "Lyra" knew that bears have no companion animal. They can also survive without companion animal. She says intentionally, I am the "Daemon" of that bear. That king bear says, Are you making fun? Bears have no "Daemon". "Lyra" says here reluctantly, Really! That bear had told that I am its "daemon". And it speaks against you too much. She was willingly saying it so that ice bear and this king bear start to fight with each other. She knew that ice bear has armour and it will surely succeed. That ice bear soon arrives there. Then she reveals everything to it. And she encourages it saying, I know that you will surely win! Then ice bear says to him, You proved talented! I also wished the same. That there may start a fight between us.Thanks! Actually, it was ice bear who had a right to be king!
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Now the fight starts between them. Ice bear and the king bear attack each other with claws for many times. They also give the wound , using their teeth. Ice bear eventually defeats the king bear badly. It throws king bear down while lifting. Now he had become the king of that place. "Lyra" and that ice bear were very excited. Now that ice bear says to "Lyra", going to her, Let's go! The time has arrived to go where the other World exists. Now they begin to go there then a frosty bridge appears on their way. Ice bear and "Lyra" are crossing the bridge that the ice starts to crack. The ice bear says to "Lyra", Go ! You may go ahead first. That bridge begins to break as "Lyra" is walking. Bear warns her, Enough! Stand here. Don't move too far. Otherwise, this bridge will be collapsed and you will be fallen down. Now there was a great distance between them and bear could not move there. He says to her, Stop here! I bring ship Egyptians and other bears. But much time is passed and "Lyra" cannot wait . So she reaches there alone where the experiments were being conducted on the kids. The native of that land feel excited, seeing her. It is possible that the little girl has reached here after being strayed. Because they had already needed many kids to conduct the experiment. She goes inside where all kids are taking their dinner. There is also her bosom friend and she feels satisfaction, seeing him. But she conveys message to him through eyes' gesture, Don't look at me right now! Otherwise, they will think as we know each other. I have a few schemes so listen quietly! Make the kids wear the armour after sometimes. Which are worn during the war. contrarily, I will use another thing. Meantime, that aristocratic lady appears there, accompanying many doctors. And they begin to communicate. And that aristocratic lady is telling doctors, Continue your experiments! Doctors notice "Lyra" as she leaves. They torment "Lyra" and her companion animal. Putting her into machine, they begin to turn on some rays. It may also take her life! At the same time, that aristocratic lady appears again .
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She stops doctors saying, Have you gone insane! What are you doing ? she rescues "Lyra". further, it is seen that, Aristocratic lady is sitting beside "Lyra" when she wakes up. Being afraid, "Lyra" takes her steps back. That aristocratic lady loves "Lyra" and says, I am your mother! I hide this fact from you for a cause. And she also says to her along with it, My daughter! Give me that compass. Then "Lyra" gets the point that she isspeaking politely to take that compass. Then she hands her over a box. You are perhaps thinking that there was compass in that box. No! "Lyra" was so talented. there was the spy fly in that box. The human beings used to come to their end with its poison. That spy fly attacks that lady as she unlocks that box. And "Lyra" immediately begins to escape from there. "Lyra" directly goes to that laboratory. And she explodes that machine in which they were going to put the children. And she releases all kids from there while opening the door. But enemies hinder their way as they come out. Who had already attacked "Lyra". At the same time, bears and Egyptians had also approached there. And there is started a great fight among them. All are attacking one another. One more interesting thing, Witches also appeared there. And they are shooting arrows on them, flying in the air. Consequently, all opponents are killed soon. And the crew of the ship sail to drop the kids, taking all of them. Lyra's friends were also along with her and she was very contented. They move ahead because they had to pick Lyra's uncle. There witch says to the captain of ship, "Lyra" is that girl who will free all people from the clutches of the church's priest. And just observe! There will be peace throughout the World.
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Because she is the only girl who was chosen by golden compass And the movie also completes on this scene. Thanks you for Watching!

🍿Tʜᴇ END🎥

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