My school life

in Steem Lifestyle3 years ago (edited)

Steem greetings to everyone in here ,I will be sharing with you what my school life is all about. The name of my school is National Politechnic University institute Bamenda It is located at Mile 7, Nkwen, Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon. This higher institute of learning started in 1996 and was founded and owned by Mr Yong Francis who is of late ,he died in the year 2013.

A startue of the proprietor of my school

His picture and a portrait which gives a brief description of his ambitions. The portrait says “MY VISION IS TO REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT AMONGST THE YOUTH BY PROVIDING THEM THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS THEY NEED FOR JOBS AND JOB CREATION”. This statue was unveiled by his excellency professor Jacques Fame Ndongo minister of higher education and chancellor of academic orders on the 14th of December 2015.

Me and my friends in our school attire

That’s me in our science laboratory.
Below is a picture of the administrative block of my school , it is the first building when you enter into my school campus.


Directly opposite the administrative block is our school canteen where you can get food and drinks and even some ice cream.


My school has a basketball 🏀 court.


When there’s no lecturer in class we can study or discuss and we can also watch educative movies on our phones or laptops. Below is a picture of my classmates in class when there is no lecturer.

We’re few in class ,a population of about 35 students ,at first the population of just one class used to range from 100 students and above but due to the crisis going on in my country some students have dropped out of school ,some died ,while others have relocated to areas in the country which are safe.
During my free time I can also walk around campus with my friends or we just sit and enjoy the beautiful scenery of my school.




When its world AIDS week a team from the hospital usually come to my school and do free screening of HIV and sensitization of the students ,the health club of the school usually assist in this activity and i was also a member of the health club.

HIV Screening and sensitization in my school during worlds AIDS week.

On worlds AIDS day itself the health club of my school leads a match around town to sensitize the public on HIV/Aids and also give out free condoms to Adults who are willing to take.



Below is a hall room which can contain atleast 1000 students (Amphi 1000) this is the hall where we hold most of the meetings concerning school administrators and students and also where matriculation of students usually take place.


Matriculation day in my school.

This is the Food and Nutrition laboratory of my school.

My school is very beautiful and I enjoy the time spent at school. This are moments I can never forget .
Thanks to for this contest.

Thanks for reading my post.


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@nafisatu, that is a good post you made. Good job. It must feel good to have a school near a hill like that one with a beautiful green view and a lot of good places to see everyday.

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