Up Late At Night 9.5.2022


What is good about the night on a hot summer night is that it is cooler in the night.

Of course their is the possibility of reflection of what happened in the day. If you remember in one of my blogs I wrote in hive.blog about The Driver 8.28.2022. Well while driving the eldest kid from work he told me that he blew up and became angry. His manager had to talk to him and he got some days off. He did tell me that he knows that it was not the best thing for him to blow up like that.

As I was driving him home, I told him, that I too used to blow up and off course that is not good for the work environment. I told him that I read a book that changed a lot of things in me. I told him that the book is old. It was published in 1937, it is called, How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I told him that the information in that book would help him a lot. He actually told me that he heard of that book. He took out his phone and looked up that book.

I told him that even if he didn't have that much money, they do have the audio of that book on Youtube. I did tell him it would be good to have the physical book to look upon every now at then after reading it. Of course the book itself tells you that this book is not a book that you just read one time. No, the book encourages you to read it again and again, and then apply that which one learnt in the book.

I told him that another book that will help him out in life is the book called, Art of War by Sun Tzu. I told him that the book is for war yes, but also there are strategies in the book that will help people to climb in the corporate ladder, it also causes one to think on ones feet.

The boy also said, I heard of that book too. Then he looked it up. I told him that with just those two books, How To Win Friends And Influence People and The Art Of War, will help him out in life. I later told him that even a hundred years from today, your children's children will profit from these two books.

So later on he did tell me that he was going to order those two books on his next paycheck.

Well, sometimes you have to help the young guys out as, most people don't even know the possibilities of a young man armed with such knowledge.

Well, it is something that I reflected upon at night. I am glad that the young man heard me and is going to take action to get those books.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.

Sources 1, 2, 3

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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