Acquittal, But To What End? - Mendy, Greenwood

in WOX Sportslast year (edited)

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My people will say, when the world is raving about you, be careful how you thread. This is not to say you shouldn't bask in the euphoria of your success, however, this simply explains the predicament of both Manchester City's Benjamin Mendy and Manchester United's Mason Greenwood.

Coincidentally, not until I was penning this, it never really occurred to me that both players are from the either side of Manchester. Sadly, their lives aren't as bright as the colours of their club sides.

It looks just like yesterday when Greenwood scored his first premier league goal for United in November 2019 against Sheffield United. A goal that took the game level at 2-2 in an eventual 3-3 draw. How such a promising star has dimmed and potentially, may never hit the horizons earlier expected.

His alleged involvement in coercive behaviour and attempted rape of his girlfriend, Harriet Robson was the beginning of his downfall, a predicament he is yet to fully bounce back from.

Although he was eventually acquitted as there were no sufficient evidence to nail him, he is yet to get his career back on track.

On the blue side of Manchester is French left back, Benjamin Mendy who joined Manchester City in his burgeoning career in 2017, arriving already as a millionaire and a Ligue 1 champion.

Having arrived as the most expensive defender then on a £52 million deal, He thought he had his life ahead of him until disaster struck in 2021 when he was arraigned on a six-count charge of rape and one count of sexual assault.

After about two separate trials, he has been found not guilty of these charges. Reading through the details of the case, it was glaring that he was innocent from the outset. Thank God for the CCTV in his house, providing much needed evidence. But, imagine it too over two years to acquit an innocent.

While Greenwood is still on the books of United, although he is yet to be integrated back into the team with speculations rife about a potential move away from the club, Mendy has not been so lucky. In fact, Greenwood now has a baby with the same woman for whom his career has been put to a halt.

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After Mendy was arraigned, Nike pulled his endorsement deal, City stopped paying his salary, he sold off his property and now, he's clubless as City have released him following the expiration of his contract in June. Not that he'd even stand a chance to break back into Pep Guardiola's side anyway.

With both players finally acquitted, what good will this acquittal do them? Will it give them back the useful part of their years taken away by things they were eventually found out not to be guilty of? Is it just okay to tell them "sorry" and expect that their lives return to normal? Funny thing is, in the Mendy case, the identity of the women who accused him have been kept private.

What becomes of the lives of two promising talents while their accusers walk around in total freedom? How about a system that punishes wrong accusers, especially when the accused have had their lives derailed for something they did not do. Is this what a justice system should look like?

As much as I have tried to look at both incidents distinctively, is it just a coincidental that both affected players are blacks? Would it have been the same outcome if they were white and even English?

I tried as much not to play the race card, especially in these scenarios, but the system looks like it leaves one with no other option. I remember how the jury in Ryan Giggs case of assault and abuse was hurriedly discharged after about 22 hours of deliberation in August 2022 as they couldn't come to an agreement on whether he was guilty, and even when asked if they could reach an agreement given more time, the jury said no. Again, their race may or may not have played a role in this, it just leaves more begging for answers.

I hope both men can get their lives back. Nothing can compensate for the last few years lost, but they should just keep fighting because, importantly, their names have been cleared and I believe they can still get their careers back on track.

Will you mind your club signing either of them?

 last year (edited)

I tried as much not to play the race card, especially in these scenarios, but the system looks like it leaves one with no other option. I remember how the jury in Ryan Giggs case of assault and abuse was hurriedly discharged after about 22 hours of deliberation in August 2022 as they couldn't come to an agreement on whether he was guilty, and even when asked if they could reach an agreement given more time, the jury said no. Again, their race may or may not have played a role in this, it just leaves more begging for answers.

How about Ched Evans who was found guilty? He spent 2 and a half years in prison whilst maintaining his innocence. Eventually to have all charges dismissed. A Welsh international at the time who struggled to reignite his career in the lower leagues.

The Mason Greenwood one is more difficult because the audio and video evidence was publicly available for all to hear and make their own judgement - and it’s extremely difficult to listen to. The UK justice system is already extremely traumatic for victims of rape and sexual abuse to navigate - the stats regarding prosecutions are extremely low and it’s a miracle that victims are brave enough to step forward. It would be an increasingly dangerous ground to start prosecuting women who believe they’re victims of a court, or even the prosecution service decide there’s not enough evidence.

I dread to think what will happen in Italy now after a judge ruled that a teenage girl wasn’t sexually assaulted by a 44 year old man because it lasted for less than 10 seconds. Time 10 seconds and imagine somebody you hate fondling you for that long. It’s outrageous.

I don’t know the minute details of either case - the Greenwood one is a typical example of victim abuse where the abused goes back to the abuser - I’ve seen this 1st hand where somebody close to me would be beaten regularly but was blinded by love until they eventually walked away. I experienced one episode of this 1st hand. Could the abuser have been prosecuted without the testimony of the abused? No chance. Victims who are still in love don’t want that. And many return to have children with their abusers.

It’s a far too complicated subject and I understand why these players will find it so difficult to return to the game - rightly or not - simply because of how awful our justice system had become. “Not guilty” or “not enough evidence for a conviction” doesn’t mean much in this country. If the players had any sense, they’d get women to sign a consent form - it’d hardly kill the moment as they’re going to get laid either way.

I find it hard to understand why players keep falling into this trap, time and time again.
Is it that they don't learn from the predicaments of others?

True, that the abused always find it difficult to leave the abuser, maybe for the Greenwood case, but Mendy's? Clear evidence there was never any wrongdoing and he maintained his innocence till the end, yet, he's the one at the receiving end.

While I understand it may be more complicated than we know, people will keep getting away because there are no deterrents in cases where the accused are proven innocent.

 last year (edited)

It would also be possible for Greenwood and Mendy to prosecute the women for libel and claim for “loss of earnings” - so there are legal options for the men to “punish” the women. It would make for an interesting dynamic if the women aren’t prosecuted and taken to court simply because of how bad justice is. Can both parties be not guilty? In the eyes of the law they can.

Lol.. Can both parties be "not guilty"? What an interesting perspective.

I doubt I've ever seen anyone prosecute the women. Maybe they (the men) just feel it should be let go. The faster they get it behind themselves, the better.

The only one that I can think of is Jonny Depp who sued for damages - that's probably the only way any of these footballers will ever really clear their name... and unlike Jonny Depp, they probably won't win much in damages because I can't imagine these women have much money.

There seems to be a lot in the media at the moment where celebrities are being cleared of sexual assault. I think the question of "can they reignite their career?" is being increasingly asked.

Fair enough.

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