Covid19 daily update March 4th 2019

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Some updates on the current Covid19 virus from the news cycle

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People seem to think that because we even contemplate bad things happening we are bad people, and I see that as their fear being so overwhelming that they have to deny things that cause them fear. It is sad that folks can be so incapable of facing reality they have to live in a bubble of fantasy where only good things can happen.

It is difficult to look fear in the eye and keep moving forward into the future where it's coming from, but that is the only way to overcome the source of fear. Only when we face facts can we use them to create a better future. Terrible days may lie ahead, but worse will come if we pretend everything is fine. Our forefathers went through worse than this, and we are here today because they survived to thrive after vanquishing the problems that threatened them.

We can do no less for our posterity.


I agree 100% Also, if people don't face fear like you said, then there will be no pressure on institutions to not only react, but also to produce clear information - in the UK, they are now "delaying" publishing the results of confirmed cases to the media for 24 hours - but say south Korea will let people sign up to an app and track locations of where "confirmed cases" have been on a map - this is why i have lost faith in the west in containing this - in new zealand for example, they are only testing like 3 rows of people in front of the confirmed covid case on the airline - even though its airborne and the person was on an 8 hour flight. Thanks man, always good to see your comments!

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