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RE: Why Are Republicans TRIGGERED by Greta Thunberg?

in Threespeak5 years ago

He's looking for a voice of reason from a guy whose never had kids. Think about how your parents would have responded to you had you gotten in their face screaming at them like Greta. Everyone wants to find everyone else's attitude toward her appalling but quite frankly a lot of adult find her attitude toward them appalling. If brought up properly you'd learn you don't address adults in a vitriol manner and expect them to respect you for it. I think people find it apprehensive that parents of a autistic child would place her before the world knowing full well the backlash that would ensue particularly from those who have a differing point of view on climate change. I mean really, common on, in a world of billions of people what did they really expect?

I thought along the same lines as to why they made her person of the year. Same reason they chose to prop her up as a puppet in the cause of climate's adults using children to serve an agenda. This time your are probably more than right it was a decision based on triggering Trump. They could then continue their tirade that Trump is a bully who stoops low enough to go after children. Never mind that they all stooped low enough to not only put a child out front of billions of people to be opened up to a world full of criticism but an autistic child at that.

I think the frustration with the whole issue continuing to foster is the fact that adults are now seeing kids getting out demanding change by their politicians and even going as far as to disrupt events taking place. This is all led by a indoctrinated group of kids led to believe that's it's the policies of the past generations that have not only caused this but fail to do anything about it. Yet these same kids aren't taught the self defeating actions they and those who teach them this stuff take each day that contribute to the continuation of the actions they are waging against. Take for example the recent event where kids burst out onto a football field and disrupted the game in the cause of climate change and the abuses of a certain group of people in China. Do you think whoever brought the plight of those people's attentions to them actually told these kids that each time you go buy Chinese made goods that you are financially enabling China's bad behavior?...Do you think they told these kids that every time they go buy Chinese made goods they are enabling China to continue to be the worlds worst polluter?...Do you think they taught these kids that products bought from oversea's and shipped half way across the globe to get to them contributes to the pollution problems? No, they don't teach them that stuff because they are to busy preaching open boarders, peace, love and joy will solve all the worlds problems while simultaneously asking them to take action against those who aren't the worse of the world's true evils as the only evils that exist is within the context of their own borders. It those people's fault for not bringing awareness to their children of the coming catastrophe of climate change, it's those people's fault for waging wars, it those people's fault the world is so racist while rushing out and buying products and financially propping up one of the worlds human right abusers and polluters. They don't tell these kids the people suffering in China's who have no voice only chance is for them to stand up and be a voice for them by boycotting products coming from China. They don't tell them the best chance for reduction of pollution is to buy products in countries who are/have made significant progress towards the reduction of pollution...thereby putting more money in those countries pockets that will enable them to invest in further research/invention/science to defeat the threat they perceive they face, you know...the good ol' concept of rewarding good behavior over bad.

Nah, these kids are being led like lambs to the slaughter. Come Christmas morning they'll all be opening up presents which a greater than average percentage will have come half way across the globe to reach them, made by people who live on company property in a room stacked fifteen high in bunk beds, charged rent, utilities and food out of their checks while being mandated to work sixteen hour days. The products will consist of technologies stolen from other countries, a majority made out of some form of synthetic plastics by the worlds worst human rights abuser and polluter while they are all gleaming happily at one another they'll be satisfied they were "afforded" such a luxury and all the comforts that came with it at the expense of those suffering who'll they'll continue to ignore as long as it suits their benefit.

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