Splinterlands Weekly Battle Share Challenge- My Battle with Maggot

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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Hello Guys,

Hope you are having good time on the weekend and also playing the game to make the weekend awesome. Usually most of get more time on weekend to chill out and play games etc and I am also the one like this. I did more battling on Saturday and made highest ever ranking on splinterlands.

This week I am sharing my battle through @threespeak and this is the first time I am using this platform. Last week I used dtube and this time its 3speak. Basically I am trying to see which one is easy to use and will continue with that.

This is my player profile that shows my splinterlands progress so far. I have played 452 battles till now and won 209 out of it.
Screenshot 20200222 at 10.51.47 PM.png

This window made me so happy because I have entered in Silver league for the first time. Last two seasons I was only able to touch bronze level and that too now in the last one but this time it seems I will be able to unlock much better level for me.

Screenshot 20200222 at 9.17.35 PM.png

Talking about this week's battle share challenge which is based on theme for MAGGOTS card. Actually I never heard or seen this card before so when I saw this challenge post then I checked out my card collection first to see if its already there or not. I have many playable cards and honestly I dont remember all the names as of now but may be with passage of time I get more used to and can memorise all the names. Because I could not find this card in my collection so I checked the price and bought it so now I own this card. This card is from death monster team.

Screenshot 20200222 at 6.50.00 PM.png.

Battle Details

This is the battle detail which I played with Maggot and won it. Now a days I more mana less than 20 so I use more cards with lesser mana so that I get variety which is good for win. I got 19 mana in this battle so I managed the total of 4 cards in my team including one as Maggot.

Screenshot 20200222 at 11.10.24 PM.png

Mana cap for the wattle was 19 and I choose 4 cards within the mana. I picked up HAUNTED SPIRIT, GRUMPY DWARF, MAGGOTS on 3rd number and CENTAUR at the last. I kept Maggot at the 3rd intentionally to save it from hits of opponent cards and I was right at it.

  • I used the Maggot card in battle.
  • Game was so much fun and challenging as well.
  • Opponent player had team from water splinter and having Sea Monster which is powerful card.
  • Despite having strong card my team won and my strategy worked so nice.
  • I had 4 cards in my while other player had 5 but if strategy is nice then number of cards dont matter and this is what you can see in the battle.
  • I never used Maggots before and I was not even aware of this.

I just love splinterlands and I share all my post about splinterlands to twitter so that more people get to know about. Other than Steem, Twitter is the only place where I am more active so I use it to share awareness about my favourite game no-one other than splinterlands.

This is the official post for Splinterlands Weekly battle share. If you like then you can also participate and share with more people about it.

This is my last week splinterlands post

Join the fun using my affiliate link-


Thank you so much

This is the direct link to battle if incase video doesn't play.


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For some reason your 3Speak link isn't working for me... Could be my end, but just in case (in the future) you could also include a link to your battle directly from the Splinterlands sight. This way, even if the video messes up we can still see the battle.
Also, how was your 3Speak user experience so far? Do you like it? How does it compare to Dtube?


You have been manually curated by the @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE WEEKLY CONTEST!

Thank you for SHARING your Splinterlands content with the world! The more the merrier!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

Hi @carrieallen
I have added the link the post and in all my future post I share the same.
Last time I had to struggle a lot with Dtube upload and I couldn't do it directly so had to choose YouTube. This time with 3speak upload was super easy. Undoubtedly both are nice platform but my experience with 3speak is awesome for video upload. Hope Dtube improves then I will use that too but for the time being I will use 3speak.

Thank you so much.
Have a great day.

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