Serpentine Spy : The Ninja Master from Fire Territory

in Threespeak4 years ago


What's up Splinter Warriors!

This your fellow Viking mango-juice with another Splinterlands share your battle weakly challenge post!

All my friends across the Globe, I hope you all are fine and enjoying Splinterlands while staying at home and fighting COVID-19 by following social distancing and lockdown. Those who are homesick like me, they must be enjoying this season being lazy and consuming lots of movies, TV series and games of course.
Same goes for SM players, I think there is plenty of time to play, think and rethink about new strategies, tactics to reach one more step towards the glory and also to make great posts about Splinterlands.

While talking about writing blogs, I am sure all of you Splinterlands addicts already know that not only in the game but also there are multiple challenge competitions that go on every week periodically on the hive, steem and on various social networking websites by team Splinterlands. I am not a dedicated blogger, but I always like to write Splinterlands posts.. especially the challenge post that comes every week where you have to fight with a particular monster that is declared by official @splinterlands post and then you have to write a cool post about the gameplay.

This week, they choose Serpentine Spy, a melee monster from the fire territory.

First of all, let us get familiarized with this little looking monster.



Serpentine Spy is a melee monster with Opportunity ability from level 1 and at max level, it gets Poison ability. Now, if you have already played with Screeching Vulture or Fiendish Harpy, you know what this opportunity ability can do. But for those who don't know..

image.png Opportunity

Monsters with opportunity ability can attack from any position just like sneak monsters, but it attacks the enemy monster which is carrying the lowest health.

image.png Poison

Monsters with Poison ability stands a chance to apply poison on an enemy monster If applied, it will do automatic damage to the enemy monster every round afterwards.


Personally, Opportunity monsters are very handy to me and I already have a level 7 gold foil Serpentine spy. At level 7, It posses 3 melee power with 3 health and 6 speed! Yah bro, 6 speed means it is only a Lil bit far behind killing opponent's Exploding Dwarf with just 1 blow!
Hint: you just have to use one or two speed control monsters like Creeping Ooze or Goblin Shaman ;)

Sometimes, I use my Daria Dragonscale and use both Harpy and Spy on the opponent, this is a weird but unique strategy to kill low HP enemy monsters.

Now, Without further ado, let us straight jump into the gameplay!




Ruleset Of Batte


So, It was a Healed out (blocks all type of healing abilities) + Rise of the commons (We can only use Common and Rare monsters). Clearly, my spy is a common monster so I can use him in this battle.

Mana count is only 15 so I have to THINK about a suitable placement for my spy so that it won't get killed early!

Also, this battle supports both fire and dragon summoner so that's cool! (I can't use my spy with Earth summoner so leave that.) I thought to use my fire summoner as Daria costs 4 mana, 1 more mana than the fire which is a no-no for a 15 mana match, right!



Serpentine Soldier: I used the Serpentine Soldier at the front defence position. At 5 mana cost, this is the best I can get in this battle. This monster carries 3 melee attack at 6 speed with 7 HP and 1 Armor. It posses 3 abilities - Shield (take reduced damage from enemy monsters), Dodge (has increased chance to evade and incoming attack) and Thorns (when hit by a melee monster, does damage back to the attacker).


Furious Chicken: At the second position, I have used the Furious Chicken simply to avoid my 3rd position getting blast damages. Moreover, if the opponent also uses an Opportunity monster, it will first attack the chicken before any other.


Serpentine Spy: At the third position, I used the hero of this battle, Serpentine Spy. I think this place will probably the most secure place for him.


Kobold Miner: At the fourth place, I used Kobold Miner. My miner is level 8 and he has 3 melee sneak attack at 4 speed with 5 health. No doubt he is a mini beast at 2 mana cost.


Cocatrice: At the last position, I chose Cocatrice, the most magical monster you can get at 2 mana. My coca is level 7 providing me 1 melee attack at 6 speed and 4 HP with 2 fantastic abilities, Dodge (has increased chance to evade and incoming attack) and Flying (Increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks). This will save my back and I hope if the opponent uses the sneak attack, it will evade some enemy attacks before getting down and give me some space to kill the enemy monsters.


First, let us follow the opponent's line-up...

  • My opponent @narya used Selenia against me.
  • At the front position, she used Prismatic Energy lev 5. Clearly I didn't use any magic monster so that's a plus point to me.
  • At the second position, she chose Centaur lev 7. That's a great monster when being used with Selenia.
  • At last position, she puts Furious Chicken so that at least my one sneak attack goes after it.


You can directly view the battle. Just click the hyperlink below.

Battle Link

  • At the first round, her chicken got down by my Spy, her centaur missed to attack my Soldier and my miner made a 4 damage to her in return.
  • On the second round, my spy killed the centaur having only 2 HP remaining, then her Prisma got down with the help of my soldier and miner!





Well, that was a quick match as it was a low mana one. I really enjoyed the battle. My Serp. Spy has done a tremendous job here and proved himself worthy in the battlefield once more! I would definitely recommend you to have a Serp. Spy if you don't already have one.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my post. Please let me know your feelings by leaving a comment below.

I also wanna tank to @aggroed @yabapmatt and the entire @splinterlands team for their continuous and tireless effort on this game. You guys rock!!

Haven't joined this awesome game yet?? now is the time dude! Follow the link below and get yourself in the amazing world of Splinterlands. Link

All the images in this post are screenshots taken from the site below:

Cover picture is made with - Canva

Monster Market:

Want some cashback while buying packs and cards just like I do?
Then Visit Monster market now! It gives instant cashback on card and pack purchases. It is owned and maintained by @zaku and @reazuliqbal, feel free to ask in need.

Monster Market Website

Monster Market Discord

That's it for today! See you soon in my next post...



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