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RE: De-Spinning the Spin - The real truth

in Threespeak5 years ago

Don't use the hash mark '#' when talking about #tags. For example, I mentioned the 'spam' and 'nsfw' but I didn't put the '#' before them because the comment I made wasn't spam and it was safe for work. You just made your comment invisible to me. I think #censorship does apply to the topic.

When I first came here in 2016, there was a confirmation dialog that would open up when you chose the 'flag' button saying something like flags were for 'profanity, racism speech, and personal attacks.' This has changed.

@themarkymark has mentioned he does maintain one #blacklist and there is a #blacklist API which gives software access to this. He once said he only flags for abuse.

I have the beginnings of my own UI over at I could write something like #steemit that displays posts and allows comments. It seems that would be a fool's errand though.


Please let me know if you make (or know of) a bare-bones steem front-end.

I know a lot of people who would be interested, including some with a lot of followers and others with a lot of steem-power.

I'd even tolerate some banner ads.

Please consider a steem front-end that ignores rep and ignores blacklists and ignores downvoting and allows quick and easy tips (not limited to seven days) and quick and easy steem-delegations would be nice (perhaps "following" someone could automatically include a 0.001 steem-delegation or something). And perhaps some mechanism to share personal "mute" lists between accounts, perhaps something like, if I "follow" or "subscribe" to an account, then I automatically adopt their personal "mute" list.

Perhaps something like this?

@freedompoint says,

"Yes, that was version 1.0 to get the ball rolling last summer. Since then we have completely reconstructed it and rebuilt it like a whole new animal. We have gone through a name change and logo change aswell. It was it is just Innerblocks".

I coded this up : About your posts
It's not complete its just a little beginning. You cannot read posts or post. That's for later or I guess it should be next. Once I figure out how to display posts properly, I'll do that and then add "send 0.1 Steem" tip. Maybe even get this to work with money from other chains. "tip with 0.001 bch" or whatever.

That looks amazing!

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