Painting doodles

in Threespeak5 years ago

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I recorded some clips when I painted doodles on my painting "We're Awake When You're Asleep" and so here it is! These are just random clips so they aren't planned and I just compiled them into one video. This might trigger the perfectionists though, or those easily annoyed because I used little medium for my paint, which means, the paint isn't runny. Most of the time they are dry, which was the effect that I was aiming for.

Background music: 'Bedtime Stories' by Ross Bugden. I came across his channel earlier when I was browsing for background music and I must say he is a young musical genius! He allows the use of his music for any purpose as long as they are credited. Amazing artist... really. Among the music artists that I find since 2013, I could say he's the best. Pretty coincidence that the title of his music that I used in this video is about sleep - which was the concept of the painting as well. lol. Do check him out!

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Very talented indeed! I should start taking video of my work as well.
I finished a work last nigh and it look me around 6 hours to finish. how long does your work usually take?

Yeah you should! It's fun watching yourself paint in the camera's perspective. That one took me months, but I stopped-continued-stopped. But if I paint it straight it will probably take 2 weeks or so

Damn that's long. Art does take a very long time to become huh?!

You are extremely amazing

Thank you! ^^

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