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RE: My thoughts on Soft Fork v0.22.2

in Threespeak4 years ago

Are you?

I've seen you around here plenty, and to be quite honest: I trust you.
But can we trust the others?

Steem is a philosophical blockchain. It is not purely finance or purely for creativity. It exists to resist censorship, centralization, and the other issues that we've identified in mainstream finance and social media.

Treating this like a typical business is wrong. Even though it might legally be forced to be a normal business, that is not what the origin of all blockchains intended: Bitcoin was originally created to be a monetary token representing freedom and decentralization.

The ideals we believe in come before whatever is typically recognized as "the way business works."
We need to remember why we are here, and not elsewhere.


No and I find it pretty offensive he's even insinuating that. Steem has not and will not block any other accounts for as long as I have a say in it, the reasons to why we went ahead and did it this time for the Steemit stake is said well enough in this video and has been explained in many posts currently trending. There is no way and no money in the world that's going to come between me and the integrity of this chain in form of the above insinuation. Steem is worth much more than money to me and it is bigger than any of us here today and bigger than the project that acquired it in my eyes. After years of emtpy promises I am hopeful though that the stake will be used better in the future and that both chains can come out of this beneficial.

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