CNN Hosts Most Shameful Debate Yet

in Threespeak5 years ago

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--CNN hosts the most shameful 2020 Democratic presidential debate so far, playing up the Bernie Sanders / Elizabeth Warren "scandal" while asking terrible questions

What did you think of their moderating?

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Warren then saying to Bernie afterwards that she "think he just called her a list on national television", as if he was wrong to defend himself from that baseless accusation, was so cringe..

I would never vote for either of them, but the moderators clearly did an injustice to Bernie by blatantly ignoring his response. Seeing them carry water for one candidate over any other reveals what a sham the "debates" are / were. They should have pushed back against Warren instead of asking the cliched "when did Bernie stop beating his wife" loaded question.

"What did you think of their moderating?"

They deserve one another! A pathetic debate hosted on a pathetic network. Of course, the worse the debates, the easier it will be for Trump to get re-elected, not that he really needs any help.


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