Ako to vyzerá s Bitcoinom

in Threespeak5 years ago

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Koľko bude stáť 1 bitcoin ked kompletne vyťaží ? https://bitcoinist.com/how-much-bitcoin-youd-get-if-all-21-million-were-distributed-worldwide/

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▶️ 3Speak


Buffet věnoval ten darovaný Bitcoin na charitu, tedy aspoň to tvrdí.

Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: https://facebook.com/pmaly

Aj ten TRX..?? Ak je to pravda tak super. Lepšie to tam využijú ako by si to mal doplnit on do portfolia

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Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: Google User romanpalasek (100215115079758890466)

This post earned a total payout of 0.000$ and 0$ worth of author reward that was liquified using @likwid.
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Warren je ikona investingu, ale pride mi, ze s cryptom nechce mat nic spolocne. Stareho psa novym kuskom nenaucis

Tak tak plne s tebou súhlasím

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Kdyby rainbown vycházelo bylo by fajn. Jinak fajn že to spadlo. aspoň se Rsi vzpamatuje.

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