Well... It's almost that time...


Although, my temporary leaving is not my decision, it is an inevitability. A man's gotta' do what a man's gotta' do, and tomorrow morning, that's just what I'll be doing. I have to return to court on an old case, to be sentenced. I already plead guilty to one charge and the DA dropped the two weapons charges that were outstanding as a plea bargain, so it was a pretty good deal. The good thing is, I will not have to be doing this, ever again!

That life, for me, is over. A new man has already begun rising from the ashes of the old and is changing and developing more each day. The new man holds the destiny of his life, in his hands; My hands. I place that great work from my hands, and into the hands of my Maker. Not like some pipe-dream, in which I expect some Godlike life-guru to fix everything for me. I believe that my Maker, gave me the tools and gifts, innate to me at birth. I must sweat to develop those gift and tools, so that I can use them to do His WORK.

Yes, that is correct, WORK. By being steadfast in those things that are good and healthy for me and my family. By taking responsibility for the things that I must, and putting away childish things. By (in this case) going to jail for about ten days.

All things in life, whether pleasant or unpleasant, should be utilized for benefit. The way that I am going to look at this, is: How, can I use this as an OPPORTUNITY? It will give me some time to meditate, reflect, and exact upon the plans and goals that I have. I will take the time to evaluate each one, so, that I may find which things are the most valuable, to my own future, and to the future of those whom I love.

But I will be BACK!!!

Don't you forget about me!!!

I KNOW it's only TEN friggin' days, but, I LOVE you @audiefaith, babygirl. I want you to be able to read this when I'm gone, if you get lonely, or miss me. I want you to read this, and remember, that our future together is SO, BRIGHT! Everything will be, okay. Be strong, stay close to your mom, and stay close to our Father. Read his writing, more, than mine.

I love you, and love all the STEEM community!!

See you all in a few days!

-Article by Jonathan Caleb Williams, @badseedalchemist

Image created by me with 'GIMP' GNU Image Manipulation Program


I like your attitude and the way you'll move forward after doing your time. It'll be good to have you back after 10 days and I reckon you'll be able to do a lot of thinking in that time, planning for your future from the second you're released.

Hittin' the ground, runnin' like hell! Away Towards the new day...

It will be ok bud. God bless ya
See ya soon. Hope the time goes by quickly
#praying for your safe return

Thank you much. I appreciate the encouragement. Cya in a bit.

Stay strong buddy...just like you said...just 10 friggin' days.

Thanks brother... You can't break what's already broken, but you can rebuild it, with more strength and with lessons learned.

I love you. I will keep your words, as well, as Gods, in my heart and mind..
I miss you so much already, and so does Spencer.

Im so proud of you!!
Look at us, doing all this, adulting stuff....
You -'got this'- babe!
10 friggin' days, brighter future- here we come!!

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