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in Threespeak4 years ago

I had the privilege to view this video before it was posted, and pondered it on the way to school pick up. Last evening I had a MOST interesting dialogue with my 15 year old daughter, and was able to employ this first module just a tiny-weeny bit. It TURNED the conversation, and the evening, in a totally different direction!! I'm just trying to find some space today to make a @3speak video about it.... cos it's easier to mimic tone and mood in voice than text. LOL.

I'm finding this a really wonderful spotlight on a skill set that we "Dutch Direct" people may be slightly handicapped in. LOL..... @riverflows YOU MAY STOP SNIGGERING IN THE BACK ROW NOW!!! LOL...

Appreciating the incredible generosity of spirit in sharing this series, and that NVC isn't as much about communication and what we SAY, but about mindfulness, awareness of need and respect.

OK - stay tuned. I'm gonna try and capture this one for you on video this afternoon.

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OOh WOW! Cant wait to hear more about how that went with Ploi.
I think after i post this first workshop and you try it.. it will also help a lot.. i say that because i understand some of the mother / daughter dynamics that you have.. .. and can see enormous huge potential for you BOTH to end up relating to each other SO differently! Shes a big girl now also <3 xx

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