The US Forces Came to Our Region Vertical, They Will Leave Horizontal

in Threespeak5 years ago

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There's a very long enmity between Hezb Allah and the USA, it goes back to the early days of the Lebanese militia when it was created to fight the invasion of Israel which was supported and spearheaded by the USA.

Hezb Allah's early military operations led to expel the US and French, Italian as well, troops from Lebanon in 1983 after a duo bombings that deleted 241 Marines and some 140 French special forces that time. It's known as the 'Beirut Marines Barracks' you can look it up in a search engine.

The US sponsored a high level number of assassinations of Hezb's main figures, including clerics and one bombing that targeted an elder Shia top cleric and missed him but managed to kill 80 civilians, injured 250 and left massive destruction in the residential district.

In 2006, the US pushed Israel into a suicidal war against Lebanon for 34 days until Israel started begging, literally, the entire world to stop the war it started after it started losing on large scale.

Fast forward to yesterday, the chief of the Lebanese resistance militia issued a very strong warning to the US forces in the region, if the US commanders care 1% for the lives of their soldiers they should take it seriously and flee instantly, this man has a very high level of credibility and whenever he issued a warning it was always fulfilled, to the max.

More about the background of the story: BREAKING: The USA Killed Iranian IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani

Video credit with translation: Iranian Press TV - Banned in most of the 'free world' countries

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This is very very very serious threat by the man who has never failed his words. The coming phase will see much of the US interests and forces lose in a very large region.

Say's the man who is occupying Syria and Lebonan Yemen, and Iraq LOL. Common get the party started then.. otherwise you just talking. Talk Talk Talk. Oh what's that? You hiding in a little bunker Hezbolllllllahhhhhhhhhhh lol.. like Suddam in a mouse hole. Fuck off.

So now Americans don't want to end wars anymore because it will make us look "weak". Quick switch for Trump's base.

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