SAA Military Operations against Terrorist Posts in Idlib and Aleppo

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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While Trump is busy violating international law in order to protect terrorist groups by targeting and killing the only people combating the terrorists in the region, the Syrian Arab Army continues its military operation against those terrorist in Southern Idlib countryside.

The same Idlib province described by Trump's own advisers as 'the last stronghold of Al-Qaeda'.

More in this report: SAA Combat NATO Terrorists in Idlib and Aleppo Southern Countrysides

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No es de extrañarse , Esa siempre ha Sido la política exterior de EEUU, invasiones guerras , bloqueos, sabotajes a economías de países no alineados, crímenes de guerra por todas partes , instalación de bases militares, torturas y aquí es donde paro de contar. "Los Estados Unidos parecen destinados por la providencia para plagar la América de miseria en nombre de la libertad". Simón Bolívar. Hoy estás palabras tristemente están más vigentes

It's 9 years non stop continuous fighting.. that's a whole generation. These are really the men of God, God bless them.

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