Actsofkindness : Vaccination in the village

in MIGRATE TO3 years ago


50 % Reward to charity program : @adollaraday and @worldsmile

good afternoon steemit friends, hopefully keep the spirit in displaying our work on this happy night.

as we know for now, a threat to the whole world, including Indonesia, about a deadly disease, a type of fast-growing virus called covid-19, the virus spreads quickly so that it becomes a special concern for state leaders in general, especially for Indonesia, to keep its people healthy, various efforts have been made as an anticipatory measure so that the Covid-19 virus passes quickly. such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, avoiding crowds and washing hands.

vaccinate the public for free, health workers, state apparatus, army and police as the first recipients who are the motto for vaccination, so that people are not afraid to be vaccinated, all health workers have been vaccinated in the first stage and the second stage of production from China, the Sinovac brand However, the Indonesian government added a policy to vaccinate health workers for the third stage of the moderna brand produced by America which is currently running.

after the health workers, army and police have been vaccinated to the second stage, for now it is the turn of the community to be vaccinated for the first stage, the Sinovac brand of vaccine, village officials will go to the vaccine officer at the puskesmas to be vaccinated so that a certificate has been vaccinated which is an issue The most important thing right now in Indonesia is to travel.

government policy to accelerate vaccination for the community, so that the health team and muspika plus will visit every village to be vaccinated.

Various efforts have been made by the government to avoid the large number of deaths due to the Covid-19 virus.

vaccination in village

For now, our health team will visit every village to vaccinate the community for the first stage of the Sinovac vaccine, involving Muspika Plus so that everyone is involved to provide a sense of comfort for the community.

for now people are reluctant to be vaccinated for various reasons so that the vaccination rate at the community level is still low, so an understanding and understanding of vaccines is needed for the community, so before vaccinating it is necessary to provide a little understanding about vaccines, especially our working areas are inland areas. North Aceh, ordinary people who need to understand the benefits and reactions of vaccines, so that people do not feel afraid to receive vaccinations.

government policy to break the chain of the spread of the covid-19 virus in Indonesia

implementation of ppkm

PPKM is an abbreviation for the implementation of restrictions on community activities, the government will carry out strict security for the community to limit all activities with predetermined rules and time limits, a policy that is very burdensome for the community to travel and do their business, especially places that are visited by many people. such as tourist attractions and other businesses. The decline in people's economic numbers so that people's purchasing power decreases.

limiting travel for those who are not interested, by implementing opening and closing hours in areas that are already level 4 with tight security from the army and police.


self-isolation for people affected by the COVID-19 virus for 14 days to stop the spread of the virus to other communities, as well as people traveling from abroad who are also isolated for 7 days and they are only allowed to reunite with their families.

assistance for the impact of covid-19 from the government

For now, with the decline in the community's economy, the government is also distributing assistance from the impact of COVID-19 through the village fund budget, which is given per family head, the village fund budget is prioritized to distribute it to the head of the family every month, the rest can only be used for other needs in the community. village.

little help for the community to buy household needs, although only a little but can cover the shortage of household needs.




Hopefully the covid-19 virus will pass quickly, so we can live a normal life again without any health protocol rules, this is my post today, I really need input and advice from all of my steemit friends so I can fix it in the future.

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